Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday's Thoughts: Honoring Life With Life


"But there is a vital force, a spirit of intelligence in man, and the breath
of the Almighty gives men understanding."
(Proverbs 32:8)

Former President Donald Trump shakes hands with his newly chosen running mate J.D. Vance
 at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Photograph courtesy/ The Wall Street Journal

Only God truly sees the heart of man.  I am so thankful that He spared the life of
former President Donald Trump at last Saturday's political rally in Pennsylvania.
God's timing is always perfect.  We need to keep Donald Trump and his family
covered with prayer during these dark and uncertain times in our nation.

I further pray that Donald Trump will change his mind on the issue of abortion.
I was sorely disappointed when, during last month's debate, he said that he
supported the recent Supreme Court decision to approve the drug,
Mifepristone, better known as the abortion pill.

Not only did he claim that he would not block access to this controversial
medication, he further stated that under a second term, he would put no
 federal regulations regarding states' rights on abortion.  This would
include the state of New Jersey where the law allows late-term 
termination of pregnancy right up until birth.

Despite all his good intentions to be "everybody's president" Donald Trump must
 realize that God will never bless or prosper a nation which murders its own children.

It took courageous young king Josiah to purge the land of Israel of all corruption,
which included the heinous practice of child sacrifice: "And Josiah defiled Topheth,
which is in the Valley of Ben-hinnom, son of Hinnom, that no man might ever
burn his son or his daughter as an offering to Molech." (2 Kings 23:10) 
 so that the first Passover could be held in the land.

King Josiah Breaking Down The Altar Of Moloch
A painting by Sharon Mayfield
Image courtesy/Heartbeat International

Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry in America are today's
representatives of the Canaanite god Molech mentioned in the Old Testament.

The issue of abortion cannot be ignored or downplayed, nor sanctioned
as a "choice".   It is the deliberate and willful taking of human life.

The murder of the very likeness and image of God Himself.

Furthermore, God knows how each sperm and egg come together to create a new life.
A life with a soul attached, even if he or she is yet unformed in the womb. Like the
sparrow falling from a tree, none of these little souls are forgotten by Him.

They belong to Him, the Almighty Creator of the universe.

"Keep far from a false matter and be very careful not to condemn to death
the innocent and the righteous, for I will not justify and acquit the wicked."
(Exodus 23:7)

While it will be a fierce uphill battle, if I was President Trump I would do
everything within my power to stop abortion in America.

In His infinite wisdom and mercy, God spared his life.

The time is now for Donald Trump to show compassion and mercy 
 to generations of future Americans by granting them the right to life.


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