Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday's Word: A Stronger Faith


"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
(Psalm 19:14)

Solitude & Serenity
A Woman's Prayer On The Beach
Image courtesy/ Cary Petersen/

I need, O Lord, a stronger faith,

In this poor heart of mine,

A faith to take Thee at Thy Word,

And all for Thee resign.

Grant me, O Lord, a living faith

That I may follow Thee,

Thro' joy or sorrow, doubt or fear,

Until Thy face I see.

A faith that to Thy promise clings

When clouds above me roll,

A faith that sweetly works by love

And purifies the soul.

Grant me, O Lord, a living faith

That I may follow Thee,

Thro' joy or sorrow, doubt or fear,

Until Thy face I see.

A faith that soars beyond the sky

And looks within the veil,

A faith that, till my latest hour,

Shall never, never fail.

Grant me, O Lord, a living faith

That I may follow Thee,

Thro' joy or sorrow, doubt or fear,

Until Thy face I see.

A patient, firm, enduring faith,

The Christian race to run,

A faith to teach me how to say,

"My Lord, Thy will be done."

Grant me, O Lord, a living faith

That I may follow Thee,

Thro' joy or sorrow, doubt or fear,

Until Thy face I see.

"A Stronger Faith"
Frances Jane "Fanny" Crosby
American mission worker, poet,
lyricist, and composer of over
8,000 hymns and gospel songs.

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