Sunday, July 21, 2024

Zola Levitt Presents The Covenants Of God: Edenic/Adamic & Noahic


In the first episode of this classic series, messianic Bible teacher Zola Levitt
explains the meaning and significance of the covenant God made with Adam
(mankind) in innocence before the fall.  Zola also interviews physicist 
Gerald Schroeder in Jerusalem regarding his theory that the biblical
six days of creation do not conflict with the scientific view
of a 15 billion year old universe.

The Covenants Of God/Edenic
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots
(Originally aired in 1998)

While the covenant God made with Adam after the fall outlines
the conditions of the life post Eden, and holds the promise of the
forthcoming Redeemer, God's covenant with Noah established 
the principles of human government.  In this episode, Zola talks
with Dan Hendrickson, an Orthodox Jew, about the specific
rules within this covenant and how it applies to Gentiles.

The Covenants Of God/Adamic And Noahic
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots
(Originally aired in 1998)

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