Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February Poetry Corner


The heart hath its own memory
 like the mind,
And in it are enshrined
The precious keepsakes 
into which is wrought
The giver's loving thought.
 -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I remember when wintertime was really cold for days on end,
school was cancelled and we kids spent hours outside playing, sledding
down frozen hills of hard-packed snow, building snowmen and snow forts
and launching snowball fights in the backyard!
Those were the days!

"For the Lord gives skillful and godly Wisdom;
from His mouth come knowledge and understanding."
Proverbs 2:6

Painting By Sam Timm

Lord, let mine be
a common place
while here.
His was a common one;
He seems so near
when I am working
at some ordinary task.
Lord, let mine be
a common one, I ask.
Give me the things to do
that others shun,
I am not gifted or so poised,
Lord, as some.
I am best fitted
for the common things,
and I am happy so.
It always brings
a sense of fellowship
with Him Who learned
to do the lowly things
that others spurned:
to wear the simple clothes,
the common dress,
to gather in His arms
and gently bless
(and He was busy too)
a little child,
to lay His hand upon
the one defiled,
to walk with sinners
down some narrow street,
to kneel Himself
and wash men's dusty feet.
To ride a common foal,
to work with wood,
to dwell with common folk,
eat common food;
and then upon the city dump
to die for me.
Lord, common things
are all I ask
of Thee.

-Ruth Graham Bell 

 Jesus The Friend Of Children
Harry Anderson 

 "I stood beside a hill
Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out
From the cold evening glow.

There was no other creature
That saw what I could see--
I stood and watched the evening star
As long as it watched me."
-Sara Teasdale

Evening Star
Photograph By Tommy Richardsen

"Shed no tear - O, shed no tear!
The flower will bloom another year.
Weep no more - O, weep no more!
Young buds sleep in the root's white core."

- John Keats   

Signs Of Spring
Crocus Blooming In The Snow

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