Monday, September 7, 2020

On My Mind: The Phony "1619 Project"

President Donald Trump recently warned that the US Department of Education
is investigating the use of the New York Times Magazine's "1619 Project" 
in America's public schools, and further asserted that any school which would use 
 this questionable alternative of our national history could lose federal funding.

African American New York Times Magazine writer, Nicole Hannah-Jones, author
 of the "1619 Project" has been widely criticized by historians and political scientists,
especially regarding her absurd and patently false claim that the Atlantic slave
trade was the real reason behind the founding of the nation which would
one day become the United States of America.  She further claims that
the American Revolution was not fought for our independence from
Great Britain, but rather to, "preserve the institution of slavery" here.

However, according to Leslie M. Harris, Professor of History at
Northwestern University and the author of "In The Shadow of Slavery:
African Americans In New York City (1623-1863) and Slavery and
the University: Histories and Legacies,  "Far from being fought to preserve
slavery, the Revolutionary War became a primary disrupter of slavery in
the North American Colonies."

  The hatred and contempt that Miss Jones feels for white Americans is
more than obvious, especially those patriotic, mostly conservative
Americans who love this nation and are angry that our history is under attack
 by progressives like herself, mainly for personal and political reasons.

 What Miss Jones fails to see, perhaps deliberately, is that it has
 been primarily whites on the political Left, those of whom she has
 aligned herself with, that have conspired to keep black Americans
"in their place" for many years now.

One primary example of the political Left's contempt for black
Americans can been seen in their overwhelming support for
the multi-billion dollar abortion industry in this nation today.

I think it would benefit Miss Jones immensely if she switched her focus from 
the jaded, "Us against Them" argument, and started questioning the true motives 
 of powerful black women in Congress like Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee,
Rep. Frederica Wilson, Senator-turned-VP candidate Kamala Harris, and others,
who, along with politically well-heeled liberal white women, not only condone 
 the taking of innocent lives through abortion,  but, whose political careers
hinge on their fanatical support of the modern day incarnation of the 
 Canaanite god Moloch, called Planned Parenthood.

  In the biblical account, the worshipers of this demon would place their
newborn infants in the outstretched palms of his statue, where
 they would be immolated, or burned alive, as a human sacrifice,
much like a saline abortion burns an unborn baby alive inside the womb.

Perhaps Miss Jones should further question why black women in Congress
pay homage to Planned Parenthood's racist white founder Margaret Sanger. 
Sanger was a eugenicist, who openly admired the genocidal policies of
Adolf Hitler, and embraced the hateful race ideology of the Ku Klux Klan.
She believed that blacks were an inferior race, and should be exterminated
at birth.  This is the reason why today Planned Parenthood clinics can 
 be found in every major US city and town with a large black population. 

  If Miss Jones needs a good example of what she and the hypocrites
 who think like her call "white privilege" she should look no farther 
than her local Planned Parenthood clinic.

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