Saturday, October 30, 2021

On My Mind: No Convention Of States Is Necessary


What's that old saying? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

This is the same way I feel about our Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States of America is a sacrosanct document
and should remain written and interpreted in the way our founding fathers
originally intended it to be.  It should never be viewed as a "living" or
"changing" document to reflect the "moral, political, and cultural
change" of the 21st century.

The atheistic political Left is just itching to rip up this glorious
document of our God-given rights and freedoms in order to
 transform our Constitutional Republic into a repressive oligarchy,
 taking away our guaranteed right to free speech and expression,
  our religious liberties, and our right to keep and bear arms
 to protect ourselves and our families, not only from lawless
intruders trying to break into our homes to steal and possibly 
 harm us, but from tyrannical government overreach 
which we are seeing in our nation today.

I just watched a news story about a gun "buy back" here in New Jersey,
where people turned in thousands of guns-including hunting rifles-
to the government for money!  Throughout history, every communist
and socialist regime took their citizens guns away from them in
"the interests of public safety".  Yet, even in those nations, crime
still thrived because criminals know where to buy guns illegally.
It's no different here in America.  Despite the numerous gun laws
imposed in Democrat-controlled major cities across this nation
murder and mayhem caused by criminals with illegally obtained
guns is at an all time high and getting worse everyday with the
 Democrat mayors leading the charge to "Defund The Police".

It is the same with the unlawful and unconstitutional vaccine mandates.
So many of the American people, out of fear and ignorance, have bought the
lie and willingly compromised their health and medical freedom "in the
interests of public health and safety."

How many of these same duped Americans would agree to changing or
adding unnecessary amendments to the US Constitution in the interests of
"political correctness" "diversity" and "inclusiveness" so they will not face
public backlash instigated by the globalist-controlled news media?

As President Trump once reminded us, 

"They're not after me.  They're after you."

He was right.

Remember folks, a strong, informed, and united America will always stand in 
the way of the devious schemes of wealthy globalists and their paid lap dogs
in the media, corporate America, and Washington DC.  Our currency
has always said it best:  "In God We Trust".

Furthermore, our exceptional nation became great not because of what
government has done for us, but because of what government has been
preventing from doing by the great law of our land,
the United States Constitution!

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