Saturday, December 10, 2022

On My Mind: The Just Shall Live By Faith


"For the wages which sin pays is death, but the bountiful
free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
(Romans 6:23)

Image courtesy/ThePreachersWord

I thought of the apostle Paul's warning to his listeners when I read this morning
that the (Dis)Respect For Marriage Act, a totally unnecessary, and very destructive
piece of legislation which will codify, or be used to give legitimacy to the redefinition
of marriage in America, passed again in the House of Representatives this week.

However, I am happy to report that my Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ),
who had originally voted in favor of the proposed bill this past summer,
 changed his mind and voted no on it.

The bill is now headed for the desk of President Joe Biden, who has stated 
he will sign it into law, "promptly and "proudly" thus fulfilling the agenda 
of  his Pro-LGBTQ predecessor Barack Obama, who pledged back in 2008
that he was seeking to fundamentally transform America.

The definition of the word, "fundamental" means, "foundational".  

Until recently, America's foundation rested on the Judeo-Christian value
system found within God's Word, the Holy Bible, which is the basis 
for the U.S. Constitution, as well as the the time-honored estate of Holy
 Matrimony, or traditional marriage between one man and one woman.

 This is no longer the case in America. With the passage of this bill into law,
"anything goes" will be the new law of the land in regards to what accounts
for marriage- including incestuous relationships and child brides.

Quaker leader William Penn once said:

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants."

He was speaking the truth.  The most profound truth of the ages.

In our 246 years of existence on this planet, America has come
very far, very fast, and was once considered the greatest nation
on the face of the earth.  God has blessed our nation with much
growth and prosperity, but more importantly, with freedom,
which has drawn people from many different parts of the world
 to come here and start new lives for themselves and their families.

To those immigrants who arrived from nations where they
had been persecuted for their faith in God, the wonderful
privilege of freedom of religion was the single most 
 important reason why they chose to come to America.

Today, freedom in America as we know it is in rapid decline. 
 God's principles have been steadily removed from our government 
and educational systems, and replaced with the inferior wisdom
of fallen man and with an increasing antagonism against the
true followers of Jesus Christ.

In every generation since our nation's founding, there have been many
who have professed to be Christians, but very few genuine believers.
The latter group is known as the remnant, or those who center their
lives around taking God at His Word.  This is the true meaning of faith.

"You through your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies,
for Your words are ever before me.

I have better understanding and deeper insight than all my teachers,
because Your testimonies are my meditation."
(Psalm 119:98-99)

The apostle Paul told us, "But wicked men and imposters will go
on from bad to worse, deceiving and leading astray others and
being deceived and led astray themselves."
(II Timothy 3:13)

Our faith in Jesus Christ and the finished work of the cross is the
remnant believer's victory over the powers of darkness at work in 
the world and in America today. 

  The spiritual blindness which has enveloped the minds
 and hardened the hearts of many of the men and women
 serving in our Congress, and in other positions of
authority over us, can be likened to the self-righteous
arrogance of the wise men and sorcerers, magicians of 
Pharaoh's court, who were openly hostile towards,
and resisted Moses, and like their sovereign, stood
openly defiant in the sight of the great I AM, 
 the Almighty God of Israel.

Aaron's Rod Changed Into A Serpent
Image courtesy: Foster Bible Pictures/Wikimedia Common

"They have depraved and distorted minds, and are reprobate and
counterfeit and to be rejected as far as the faith is concerned."
(II Timothy 3:8)

However, just as God revealed His invincible purposes in the court 
of the stubborn Pharaoh of Egypt, where the serpent from the staff
of Moses' brother, Aaron, swallowed up the ones conjured by
the court sorcerers,  the plans and purposes of God remain
in force and unhindered, despite the schemes of the deceitful
workers of unrighteousness operating within the 
corrupted halls of power in Washington DC.

These obstinate members of our Congress, who have openly supported
this bill, have not only broken the oath they took when entering public
office, which is to defend and uphold the United States Constitution, but,
 will now live with the consequences resulting from their own actions.

"...and I will gain honor and glory over Pharaoh and all his hosts,
and the Egyptians shall know that I AM the Lord.  And they did so."
(Exodus 14:4)

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