Saturday, August 31, 2024

Slapstick Saturday: "Pooch"


Stymie, Spanky, and the gang save Petey from a mean dog catcher.

YouTube Movies & TV

Saturday Poetry Corner: The Ballad Which Anne Askew Made And Sang When She Was In Newgate

"But the righteous will live by faith in the true God."
(Habakkuk 2:4)


Anne Askew
Portrait by Hans Eworth
Flemish painter
Image courtesy/Art UK/Wikipedia

Like as the armed knight

Appointed to the field,

With this world will I fight

With Faith shall be my shield.

Faith is that weapon strong

Which will not fail at need.

My foes, therefore, among

Therewith will I proceed.

As it had in strength

And force of Christes way

It will prevail at length

Though all the devils say nay.

Faith in the fathers old

Obtained rightwisness

Which make me very bold

To fear no world's distress.

I now rejoice in heart

And Hope bid me do so

For Christ will take my part

And ease me of my woe.

Thou saist, Lord, who so knock,

To them wilt Thou attend.

Undo, therefore the lock

And Thy strong power send.

More enmyes now I have

Than hairs upon my head.

Let them not me deprave

But fight Thou in my stead.

On Thee my care I cast.

For all their cruel spight

I set not by their haste

For Thou art my delight.

I am not she that list

My anchor to let fall

For every drizzling mist

My ship substancial.

Not oft use I to wright

In prose nor yet in rime,

Yet will I shew one sight

That I saw in my time.

I saw a rial throne

Where Justice should have sit

But in her stead was one

Of moody cruel wit.

Absorpt was rightwisness

As of the raging flood

Sathan in his excess

Suct up the guiltless blood.

Then thought I, Jesus Lord,

When Thou shalt judge us all

Hard is it to record

On these men what will fall.

Yet Lord, I thee desire

For that they do to me

Let them not taste the hire

Of their iniquity.

"The Ballad Which Anne Askew Made And Sang
When She Was In Newgate"
Anne Askew
 ( 1521-1546)
English Christian poet who was accused of heresy
and held prisoner in Newgate Prison in London.
She was later tortured in the Tower of London
before being burned at the stake for refusing
to deny her faith in the God of the Holy Bible.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Flashback Friday: You Send Me


One of the greatest romance songs of all time, American singer
Sam Cooke's "You Send Me" was a massive commercial success in 
 1957, reaching Number One on Billboard's Rhythm & Blues chart 
 and the Billboard 100 that year.

You Send Me
Sam Cooke

Baking Pies In the Forest/ Backwoods Supper


From her rustic little cabin, our gracious hostess Justine shares

her recipes for savory and sweet pies from 1820's America.

Baking Pies In the Forest
Life in the 1820's ASMR
Early American
(August 28, 2024)

 Chatting with Justine and husband Ron as they taste the finished pies!

Backwoods Supper-2 Pies!!
Home Tour/Live Chat
Frontier Patriot
(August 28, 2024)

The Second Coming: Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches


Shabbat Shalom, Eretz Israel!

Sabbath Blessings and God's Peace to All.

Image courtesy/Freepik

A special Sabbath message from brother Zev Porat in Israel.

A Must Watch! The Second Coming!
messiah ofisrael
(August 29, 2024)

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the Salvation of Israel!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Crazy Whacky WWII Depression Chocolate Cake


A wonderfully moist and fluffy cake made with no eggs or milk!
Our gracious hostess Becky from The Hillbilly Kitchen shares her recipe
 for this classic chocolate cake from the days of the Great Depression.

Always remember to put God first!

Crazy Whacky WWII Depression Cake
The Hillbilly Kitchen-Down Home Country Cooking
(August 29, 2024)

Gulf Hurricane / East Coast Hurricane Update!


A major hurricane is in the works...for the Gulf of Mexico?

Or the East Coast?

Image courtesy/Live Science

The latest information on the tropics and more!

Thanks to Mark at Weatherman Plus for this latest update!

Gulf Hurricane/East Coast Update!
Weatherman Plus
(August 29, 2024)

Why Is The U.S. State Department Obsessed With The Temple Mount?


Justin from The Israel Guys discusses the international media outrage and U.S.
 government condemnation  after an  Israeli statesman dares to say
that Jews should be allowed to pray at the Temple Mount.

Why Is The U.S. State Department Obsessed
With The Temple Mount
The Israel Guys
(August 28, 2024)

Thursday's Thoughts: For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart...


"My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights."
-Donald Trump via Truth Social Media

The words of former President Donald Trump which he expressed this past week
via his own social media platform are very concerning to me.

  Democrats often use the term "reproductive rights" as a euphemism for abortion,
and other medical practices like birth control and in vitro fertilization, while
 on the other hand, Republicans  have rarely used "reproduction rights"
when discussing women's health issues.   I am further reminded that
Donald Trump was once a Democrat who claimed to be strongly pro-choice.

Speaking on her podcast last Friday, Lila Rose, the founder of the anti-abortion group,
"Live Action" criticized the former president for attempting to "ingratiate himself with
those that are pro-abortion".   "Not only is it not principled, it's not going to help
the Trump campaign for trying to sound like a Democrat right now," she said.

Meanwhile, the Trump Campaign asserts that his recent post on Truth was 
 aligned with his previous positions on abortion and other reproductive issues.
I beg to differ with them.

President Donald Trump addressing the 
 45th Annual March for Life in Washington DC
January 18, 2018
Uploaded by Michael McIntee

Six years have passed since Donald Trump spoke at the annual March for Life. 
Although he appeared to be staunchly in defense of life at the time, in an interview
 earlier this week, Trump reiterated that he would not enforce the Comstock Act,
 which would ban mail delivery of abortion drugs. 

"The federal government should have nothing to do with this issue,"
Trump told CBS News Monday.   

 At the debate between him and President Biden this past June, Trump
stated emphatically that he would not call for a nationwide abortion ban, 
 nor place federal restrictions on individual states in regards to abortion.

Therefore, a state like New Jersey, which offers abortions up until the third trimester, 
or ninth month of pregnancy, would be allowed to continue performing late-term
abortions without any intervention for the life of the child under federal law.

It makes me wonder if Trump's seemingly heartfelt words to his listeners
at the Rally for Life in 2018 was merely political posturing?  If this is the case,
then he is proving to be as duplicitous in nature as his political opponent,
Vice President Kamala Harris ever was.  

Furthermore, God undoubtedly spared Donald Trump's life from an
assassin's bullet this summer.  You would think that his own unexpected
brush with death would have provided him with better insight and far
more compassion and mercy in regards to the sanctity of life.

I was reminded this morning of the words the Lord spoken in Luke 6:45,

"The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart and
the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart.
 For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

As I have said in earlier posts, God will never honor nor prosper a nation
which murders its own children.  Despite the best plans and intentions,
 if the grievous national sin of abortion remains sanctioned within
 our land, America will never be great again.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Grilling Seafood With Arlene Williams & Guests


Just in time for Labor Day weekend, our gracious hostess Arlene 
 is joined by Greg and Jeff Antonelli from Woody's Restaurant
to share some delicious recipes for Maui shrimp kabobs,
grilled red snapper, creamy dill sauce and grilled pineapple!

Grilling Seafood With Greg: Maui Shrimp
 & Red Snapper
At Home With Arlene Williams

Zola Levitt Presents: Signs Of The End/What About Jericho?


"The Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have given Jericho into your hand,
with its king and the mighty warriors."
(Joshua 6:2)

Battle of Jericho
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld
German painter
Image courtesy/Wikipedia

On location in Israel, Messianic Bible teacher Zola Levitt visits the
ancient city of Jericho to present its biblical, historical, and political
significance in reaction to the prophetic "Land for Peace" deal signed
  in Oslo, Norway between Israel and the Palestinians in 1993.

Signs Of The End/What About Jericho?
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots
(First aired in 1993)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Eye On The Tropics: A Major Hurricane Could Form Soon!


There is a potential for a major hurricane to be forming soon!

Thank You to Mark at Weatherman Plus for this latest update.

A Major Hurricane Could Form Soon!
Weatherman Plus
(August 27, 2024)

MeMe's Strawberry Cake With Cream Cheese Icing


From the kitchen of our gracious hostess Diane Leary comes
an easy and delicious dessert recipe for Strawberry Cake!

Always remember to shine for Jesus!

MeMe's Strawberry Cake With Cream Cheese Icing
MeMe's Recipes/Diane Leary
(June 3, 2024)

Tuesday Bible Study With Les Feldick: Justification Through Faith And Faith Alone


"For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in
our hearts so as to beam forth the Light for the illumination of the
knowledge of the majesty and glory of God as it is manifest in
the Person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ the Messiah."
(11 Corinthians 4:6)

Les Feldick
Picture courtesy/Through the Bible With Les Feldick Newsletter

 Oklahoma Bible teacher Les Feldick (1927-2023) explains how
 justification through faith and faith alone began back in the Garden
of Eden when Adam fell and death came with sin.

Justification Through Faith And Faith Alone #9539
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Justification Through Faith And Faith Alone #9540
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Justification Through Faith And Faith Alone #9541
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Justification Through Faith And Faith Alone #9542
Through The Bible With Les Feldick
Les Feldick Ministries

Monday, August 26, 2024

Angels With Dr. Michael Heiser


Continuing on the subject of angels with Dr. Michael Heiser (1963-2023).
Dr. Heiser was an American Old Testament scholar and Christian author
with training in ancient history, Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible.

Angels Part 6
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Part 7
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Program
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Part 8
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Program
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Part 9
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Program
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Part 10
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Program
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Part 11
Dr. Michael Heiser
Logos Bible Study Program
(October 12, 2022)

Monday Meditation: If You Seek Me


"For this is what Adonai says to the house of Yis'rael:
"Seek Me and live..."
(Amos 5:4)

The Prophet Amos
Gustave Dore
French Illustrator & Etcher
Image courtesy/Art & The Bible

Many people look to religion because they want answers- and many
eventually become dissatisfied with religion because they do not 
 get the answers they want.  Inevitably, they come up with their own
personalized form of spirituality to find answers that they can live with.

But those who hope to find quick and easy answers in the Messianic faith will
 be greatly dissatisfied-for faith in the Messiah Yeshua means a life of seeking.

The Messianic faith does indeed have many answers-but by design, the 
more answers we learn, the more questions we have. This is because Adonai
has us in a life-long process of seeking after Him in order to know Him more.

By virtue of His majesty, it will take more than a lifetime to know Him.
And yet, it is through this process of seeking that we are refined and
 made pure-that we grow in relationship with the Giver of Life.

Though we may continually be filled with questions, the Lord is not a
complete mystery to us. Adonai wants us to seek Him out, to find Him...
and then to want Him more, and to seek Him again.

 In Yeshua, every question is answered and every desire fulfilled, but only
 when we submit to the process of seeking, finding, and seeking again.

We are not discouraged by this process because we learn more of the
Father each time. As He draws us to Himself, He causes us to pursue
Him with greater and ever-increasing zeal.

The Lord says, "Seek Me and live."  Many seek and do not find what
they are looking for-happiness, fulfillment, spirituality, peace...and the
list goes on.  But those who seek the God of Yis'rael will not only find 
Him, they will find life-abundant life. 

All the blessings of God are available to His people...
and all we have to do to receive them is seek only Him.

Abba, I want to find You-I will seek You with my whole being. I give
You all my praise, Adonai, for You alone are worth finding.  Father,
thank You for the promise of life-I continually crave Your wonderful
ways, and You do not leave me unsatisfied.  You deserve all the glory,
Lord, the One who gives life-the One I will always seek."

"If You Seek Me"

Taken from the book,
Messianic Mo'adiym Devotional
Messianic Jewish Devotionals For
Israel's Annual Feasts, Fasts, And
Appointed Times

By Kevin Geoffrey
2007 Perfect Word Publishing
A ministry of Perfect Word Ministries

Sunday, August 25, 2024

President Ronald Reagan's Best Debate Moments


How I miss The Gipper these days!

President Ronald Reagan's Best Debate Moments
 Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute
(Uploaded September 28, 2016)

Sunday Night In Uncle Walt's Vault: Make Mine Pink...Or Is It Blue?


In this charming scene from Walt Disney's 1959 animation classic, "Sleeping Beauty"
dueling godmothers Flora and Merriweather make a magical fuss with fairy dust
  to determine what color Rose's a.k.a. Princess Aurora's dress should be!

Is Aurora's Dress Pink Or Blue?
Sleeping Beauty
 Uploaded by Disney Princess

Big Changes Coming: The Tropics, Upcoming Cooldown & Severe Weather!


I can't believe today is the last Sunday of August!

Many Thanks to Mark at Weatherman Plus for this 

end-of-the-month weather update!

Big Changes Coming: The Tropics, Upcoming Cooldown,
& Severe Weather!
Weatherman Plus
(August 25, 2024)

Amazing Faith: Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches


"Then one of them, upon seeing that he was cured, turned back,
recognizing and thanking and praising God with a loud voice;
And he fell prostate at Jesus' feet, thanking Him over and over.
And he was a Samaritan."
(Luke 17: 15-16)

Jesus With One Leper Who Returned
To Give Thanks
William Brassey Hole
Scottish Victorian painter and illustrator
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

An inspiring message from brother Zev Porat in Israel.

Amazing Faith
Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches
messaih ofisrael
(August 25, 2024)

When Billy Sunday Came To Pitman


"I'm against sin.  I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, and I'll fight it as
long as I have a fist.  I'll butt it as long as I've got a head.  I'll bite it as long
 as I've got a tooth.  When I'm old and fistless and footless and toothless,
I'll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition."
-Reverend Billy Sunday

Evangelist Billy Sunday
Photograph courtesy/Wikipedia

Thousands of words have been written about Pitman (New Jersey)'s heritage and
early formation through the Pitman Grove Camp Meeting that dominated the early
settling of the area.  Many stories have been told of those historic sessions in the
center of the Grove during the summer Camp Meeting sessions. 

True it was, that hundreds of sincere people drove to Pitman to live in
summer homes on the twelve avenues during the religious meetings.
Since that time, scores of those homes have been winterized and many
others have slowly disappeared.

The Camp Meeting was a big thing in those days-as a matter of fact, it 
was the biggest activity in the area-and religious followers flocked to
the grounds to hear the religious leaders of that day who were presented.
Outstanding preachers and musical leaders were on the program each year.

The appearance of evangelist Billy Sunday to the big Sunday program of
the Camp, was probably the greatest highlight to the colorful sessions and
he brought with him a terrific following.  As a youngster, I remember one
of these programs.  The entire center of the Grove including the auditorium
and seats that extended almost to the front porches of every home 
 around the circle were filled with people.

They did it up right in those days for the leading musical directors were
also on hand and of course, the plea for financial assistance was quite
extensive.  If they didn't get enough, the baskets would go around again.
Straw was laid all over the ground in the main auditorium during those
sessions and the boys who cleaned up afterwards, were mighty happy
to get that assignment.  Often they found change that had been
dropped by people into the hay during services.

Many older men around today will remember their chance to pick up a
few dollars by selling song books at the services. Most of the books were
published by the Hall-Mack Company and the song service was usually taken
 from those books.  If you really wanted to sing, you had to purchase a book.

Musically, several outstanding figures were known to the Pitman Camp followers.
Dr. Adam Geibel, a blind composer, stood out in my memory. Dr. Geibel one night,
 composed a song during the evening and the entire audience sang the finished 
product before the evening was over.  It was truly a wonderful experience.

Many of you will remember the beautiful Hymn, "In The Garden"; this was written
by C. Austin Miles, who lived on Laurel Avenue in Pitman during the summer months
and Mr. Miles was also seen around the Camp on many occasions. 

Homer Rodeheaver and many other outstanding musical leaders 
were also a part of the Pitman Grove Camp Meeting.

When the area began to build up around the Pitman Grove, there were efforts to
 incorporate the Borough of Pitman  and in 1905, the Borough was organized with
Mayor Joseph M. McCowan as the town's first Mayor.  As a high school boy, 
 I used to visit former Mayor McCowan who was then reaching his 90th year.
He was a grand old man and loved to muse over the early formation of Pitman
and the problems of getting the organization completed.

As could be expected, there was uncertainty between some of the Camp Meeting
Leaders and the new Borough Movement.  In a compromising mood, according
to McCowan, the first Council members were very heavily representative of
the Camp Meeting Association and this continued for a number of years.

Many pieces of ground were given the Borough over the years
with tight stipulations concerning their use.

As the years passed, the religious programs and habits of worshippers changed
and the original Camp Meeting concept ceased to have the same effect. The
resultant demise of the Association brought about the sale of the grounds
by the Association to the Borough.

A recent tour through the area brought back many memories of this town's
beginning. The beautiful trees and sloping ground remain peaceful spots and 
as some houses have been recently demolished, the open spaces in the
area are taking on even more beauty.

We believe with some very careful planning this area can once again be a focal
 point of our town and there are many people in the town who sincerely hope so.

"It Happened Right Here In Pitman"
From the book, "Thru The Knot Hole:
The Touch Of Len Eckman"
Compiled and Edited by
Sue Eckman Brown M.Ed.
Charles A. Parker, Ph.D.
SLACK Incorporated
6900 Grove Rd.
Thorofare, New Jersey 08086

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Slapstick Saturday: Birthday Blues


When their stingy father refuses to buy their mother a birthday present, brothers
Dickie and Spanky devise a plan to buy her a new dress with hilarious results.

Birthday Blues
The Little Rascals Show

Saturday Poetry Corner: Golden Sun


Great, glorious, golden sun,

Shine down on me today.

You are the life of all this earth,

You and your magic ray.

You are the life of bird and plant,

All must depend on you.

Shine down, great sun, the whole day long!

Shine from the heaven's blue.

Brent Artlitt
Image courtesy/Pixels

And I will welcome your golden rays,

For you mean life to me,

And you mean happiness and health,

Strength and energy.

Shine down, great sun, on flower and field,

And never say goodbye.

Forever and ever give us your light

From out the wide, blue sky.

"Golden Sun"
Louise Hetrick

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Shaba Kitchen: This Ice Cream Sandwich Cake Is A Game Changer


Forget buying an expensive ice cream cake at the grocery store!

Make your own at home!   Have fun and be creative!

This Ice Cream Cake Is A Game Changer
The Shaba Kitchen
(August 23, 2023)

Flashback Friday: Always


From the album, "A Portrait Of Patsy Cline" this evocative love song was released,
along with other lesser known recordings by the legendary American country singer
Patsy Cline posthumously on June 15, 1964, a little over a year after she
lost her life in a plane crash.  

 "Always" like her beautiful voice, remains a timeless classic.

Patsy Cline

Angels With Dr. Michael Heiser


Researcher Dr. Michael S. Heiser (1963-2023) was an American
Old Testament scholar and Christian author with training in ancient history,
Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible.  In this enlightening series,
Dr. Heiser separates the facts from fiction regarding angels and
other spiritual beings within the heavenly host.

Angels Series/Episode 1
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Series/Episode 2
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Series/Episode 3
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Series/Episode 4
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)

Angels Series/Episode 5
Logos Bible Study Platform
(October 12, 2022)