Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Zola Levitt Presents: Signs Of The End/Reaction To Oslo


"I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will
never hold their peace day or night; you who are His servants
and by your prayers put the Lord in remembrance of His promises,
keep not silence.  And give Him no rest until He established 
Jerusalem and makes her a praise in the earth."
(Isaiah 62: 6-7)

Image courtesy/Amazon.com

Originally aired in 1993 and filmed on location in Israel, in the
  series, "Signs Of The End" Messianic Bible teacher Zola Levitt
 examines how the "peace agreement" between Israel and the PLO, 
 better known as the Oslo Accords and signed on September 13, 1993
was prophetically significant- as true peace for Israel remains elusive.

True and lasting peace will come to the people of Israel only when
 Messiah returns to rule the nations from Jerusalem.  Maranatha!

Reaction To Oslo/Signs Of The End
Zola Levitt Presents/Our Jewish Roots

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