Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday's Word: Watching For The Morning


"And it shall be in that day that the Root of Jesse shall stand as a signal
for all peoples; of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge,
and His dwelling shall be glory, His rest glorious!"
(Isaiah 11:10)

"I am the Root, the Source, and the Offspring of David,
the radiant and brilliant Morning Star."
(Revelation 22:16)

Misty Summer Sunrise
West Virginia
Photograph by Thomas R. Fletcher
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

The darkness fades away and the morn draws nigh,

When the shadows of the night will fall no more;

And an endless day will cheer each wistful eye,

And the weary watch of life is o'er.

I am watching for the morning

When the endless morn will break,

When the brightness of His glory we shall see,

When we'll see the Lord returning,

All His ransomed home to take,

May He find among the faithful you and me.

My eyes may close in sleep ere the break of day,

But the Lord will wake me when He comes again;

When He comes to call me home to Him for aye,

In His glory evermore to reign.

I am watching for the morning

When the endless morn will break,

When the brightness of His glory we shall see,

When we'll see the Lord returning,

All His ransomed home to take,

May He find among the faithful you and me.

The morn will soon be here with its joy and light,

And the glory of the day will shine afar;

Then our watching eyes will gladden at the sight

When we rise and hail the Morning Star.

I am watching for the morning

When the endless morn will break,

When the brightness of His glory we shall see,

When we'll see the Lord returning,

All His ransomed home to take,

May He find among the faithful you and me.

"Watching For The Morning"
Thomas Watson
19th century hymn writer

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