Monday, August 19, 2024

Shine On Sturgeon Moon


Tonight's Full Sturgeon Moon marks a certain time of the year, historically speaking,
when large freshwater fish known as Sturgeon were especially plentiful throughout
the Great Lakes and in Lake Champlain, which straddles the border
between New York State and Vermont.

Once a major food stable for the American Indian tribes in these areas, 
Lake Sturgeons are more rare today than in centuries past.

Often called "living fossils" evidence of Sturgeon dates back to the
Early Jurassic period, over 200 million years ago.

In addition to their habitat in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain,
Sturgeon can be found in the coastal waters of the Atlantic, from 
Newfoundland to the Gulf of Mexico and in the Missouri and
Mississippi rivers.  On the West Coast, these fish swim in
many rivers from California to Idaho.

Full Sturgeon Moon
Image courtesy/Pinterest

Tonight's moon is a rare third of four full moons that will occur this season.
Known as a "super blue moon" it will appear larger and extra bright due to
the moon's orbit being so near to the Earth at this time.

Were experiencing unstable weather here in my neck of the woods and it
looks like more rain might be coming, but I am hoping it will clear off
like last night!   Hope the skies are clear where you're at tonight!🌝

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