Thursday, August 22, 2024

Amir Tsarfati: Debunking Candace Owens


So...what's up with Candace Owens these days?

Political Commentator Candace Owens
Photograph courtesy/FOX 17

Once the darling of the conservative media,  Candace Owens has recently made several
controversial claims, including that critics of Israel fear for their lives, that Russian
dictator Joseph Stalin was a Jew, and that Jews were behind the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy.  She has also accused Israel of committing genocide
against the Palestinians.   Behold Israel's Amir Tsarfati explains how Owens'
 ludicrous conspiracy theories only serve to perpetuate ignorance and hate.

 Amir Tsarfati: Debunking Candance Owens
Behold Israel With Amir Tsarfati
(August 22, 2024)

Owen's diatribe against the Jewish people and Israel reminds me of 
 the reaction spawned by the false narrative of "The Protocols of the
 Elders of Zion" a notorious and widely distributed antisemitic
publication which sought to blame everything wrong in the
  world on a secret cabal of Jews out to take over the planet.

Unfortunately, this nasty piece of trash influenced many minds across Russia
and in Europe during the early and mid-20th century.  It was read aloud
 to schoolchildren in Nazi Germany and was responsible, in part, 
for sending millions of innocent Jewish people to their
deaths in Hitler's concentration camps during WWII.

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