Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts: For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart...


"My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights."
-Donald Trump via Truth Social Media

The words of former President Donald Trump which he expressed this past week
via his own social media platform are very concerning to me.

  Democrats often use the term "reproductive rights" as a euphemism for abortion,
and other medical practices like birth control and in vitro fertilization, while
 on the other hand, Republicans  have rarely used "reproduction rights"
when discussing women's health issues.   I am further reminded that
Donald Trump was once a Democrat who claimed to be strongly pro-choice.

Speaking on her podcast last Friday, Lila Rose, the founder of the anti-abortion group,
"Live Action" criticized the former president for attempting to "ingratiate himself with
those that are pro-abortion".   "Not only is it not principled, it's not going to help
the Trump campaign for trying to sound like a Democrat right now," she said.

Meanwhile, the Trump Campaign asserts that his recent post on Truth was 
 aligned with his previous positions on abortion and other reproductive issues.
I beg to differ with them.

President Donald Trump addressing the 
 45th Annual March for Life in Washington DC
January 18, 2018
Uploaded by Michael McIntee

Six years have passed since Donald Trump spoke at the annual March for Life. 
Although he appeared to be staunchly in defense of life at the time, in an interview
 earlier this week, Trump reiterated that he would not enforce the Comstock Act,
 which would ban mail delivery of abortion drugs. 

"The federal government should have nothing to do with this issue,"
Trump told CBS News Monday.   

 At the debate between him and President Biden this past June, Trump
stated emphatically that he would not call for a nationwide abortion ban, 
 nor place federal restrictions on individual states in regards to abortion.

Therefore, a state like New Jersey, which offers abortions up until the third trimester, 
or ninth month of pregnancy, would be allowed to continue performing late-term
abortions without any intervention for the life of the child under federal law.

It makes me wonder if Trump's seemingly heartfelt words to his listeners
at the Rally for Life in 2018 was merely political posturing?  If this is the case,
then he is proving to be as duplicitous in nature as his political opponent,
Vice President Kamala Harris ever was.  

Furthermore, God undoubtedly spared Donald Trump's life from an
assassin's bullet this summer.  You would think that his own unexpected
brush with death would have provided him with better insight and far
more compassion and mercy in regards to the sanctity of life.

I was reminded this morning of the words the Lord spoken in Luke 6:45,

"The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart and
the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart.
 For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."

As I have said in earlier posts, God will never honor nor prosper a nation
which murders its own children.  Despite the best plans and intentions,
 if the grievous national sin of abortion remains sanctioned within
 our land, America will never be great again.

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