Sunday, August 18, 2024

Resting In Him


The following beautiful poem was sent to me by Patricia Huber (1932-2023)
a woman of deep and abiding faith, whom for many years was the host
of a televised Bible program called Bethlehem Glory on WBPH-Channel 60
located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.  Pat was the co-founder of the
 station along with her husband, Joseph and served as acting
president for over 25 years.

Although I never had the honor to meet her in person,  Pat's kind and warm
  personality made me feel like I was participating in a home Bible study.

Patricia Huber
Photograph courtesy/

Pat lived a life of selfless dedication through helping others and telling them
about the inner peace and strength they could find by placing their hope
 and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In addition to hosting "Bethlehem Glory"  she also sponsored a
 women's prison outreach and  founded an inner-city food bank
and drop-in center, as well as a Christian coffee house.

Aside from her public ministry, Pat was a devoted wife and mother,
grandmother and great-grandmother.

Her teaching legacy has encouraged me greatly in my own walk of faith, and
will, I pray, continue to inspire and bless many people in generations to come.

"And the Lord said, "My Presence shall go with you
and I will give you rest."
(Exodus 33:14)

Image courtesy/Keystone Wildflowers

I do not understand, Dear Lord,

Why this has come, nor see

Why days are dark and nights are long

And clouds o'ershdow me.

Does thou not understand, My child,

Why clouds o'ercast the sky?

That without rain no rainbow bright

Could be, and flow'rs would die?

So in thy life, My precious one,

Shall I send only sun

To wither, scorch what dormant lies;

And little raindrops shun?

Come lay thy weary head and rest

Upon My breast-nor pine.

This is from Me; I know what's best

Thy beauty to refine.

Just trust Me when through paths unknown

I lead-perchance with pain.

Lean hard, My child, take thou My hand;

Some day I'll make it plain.

There may be mountains rough and steep

There may be valleys lone,

There may be jagged rocks, or thorns.

But thou art ne'er alone.

For I'll go with thee every step;

Thy pain and grief I'll share.

So lean the harder, child of Mine.

I've placed the burden there.

Dear Lord, I may not understand

The way Thou leadest me.

Suffice to know that Thou, Oh God,

The path ahead doth see.

"Resting In Him"
Cornell K. Wilmoth

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