Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Meditation: If You Seek Me


"For this is what Adonai says to the house of Yis'rael:
"Seek Me and live..."
(Amos 5:4)

The Prophet Amos
Gustave Dore
French Illustrator & Etcher
Image courtesy/Art & The Bible

Many people look to religion because they want answers- and many
eventually become dissatisfied with religion because they do not 
 get the answers they want.  Inevitably, they come up with their own
personalized form of spirituality to find answers that they can live with.

But those who hope to find quick and easy answers in the Messianic faith will
 be greatly dissatisfied-for faith in the Messiah Yeshua means a life of seeking.

The Messianic faith does indeed have many answers-but by design, the 
more answers we learn, the more questions we have. This is because Adonai
has us in a life-long process of seeking after Him in order to know Him more.

By virtue of His majesty, it will take more than a lifetime to know Him.
And yet, it is through this process of seeking that we are refined and
 made pure-that we grow in relationship with the Giver of Life.

Though we may continually be filled with questions, the Lord is not a
complete mystery to us. Adonai wants us to seek Him out, to find Him...
and then to want Him more, and to seek Him again.

 In Yeshua, every question is answered and every desire fulfilled, but only
 when we submit to the process of seeking, finding, and seeking again.

We are not discouraged by this process because we learn more of the
Father each time. As He draws us to Himself, He causes us to pursue
Him with greater and ever-increasing zeal.

The Lord says, "Seek Me and live."  Many seek and do not find what
they are looking for-happiness, fulfillment, spirituality, peace...and the
list goes on.  But those who seek the God of Yis'rael will not only find 
Him, they will find life-abundant life. 

All the blessings of God are available to His people...
and all we have to do to receive them is seek only Him.

Abba, I want to find You-I will seek You with my whole being. I give
You all my praise, Adonai, for You alone are worth finding.  Father,
thank You for the promise of life-I continually crave Your wonderful
ways, and You do not leave me unsatisfied.  You deserve all the glory,
Lord, the One who gives life-the One I will always seek."

"If You Seek Me"

Taken from the book,
Messianic Mo'adiym Devotional
Messianic Jewish Devotionals For
Israel's Annual Feasts, Fasts, And
Appointed Times

By Kevin Geoffrey
2007 Perfect Word Publishing
A ministry of Perfect Word Ministries

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