Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday's Meditation: More And More Power


"But Shaul (Saul) was still being filled with more and more power,
and he was stirring up the Jews dwelling in Damascus, proving
that this Yeshua is the Messiah."
(Acts 9:22)

Focus On Me Not The Storm
Brent Borup
Image courtesy/Pixels

Why does God grow us to maturity? Is it so that we will be happier
or more satisfied in life? Does He do it so that we will be more holy
or better able to keep His commands? Is maturity the ultimate goal
of becoming mature? No, ADONAI needs a vessel of maturity so
that He can fill it "with more and more power."

Only then will our living testimony be a reliable witness to
the reality that, "Yeshua is the Messiah."

Because Shaul was "being filled with more and more power", he was
"stirring up" the Y'hudiym. (The Jews).  Power from God is is visible
and demonstrative, and it flows contrary to the ways of the world.

ADONAI's power is disruptive, causing a steady flow of soul-numbing
worldliness to stop short and disperse. When we are filled with God's power,
a circle of confusion is created around us-not within us-since the
confounding spirits of this world are thrown into disorder.

When we operate with power, we become like the eye of a storm.
Pandemonium is created all around us, but at the center, there is
peace and tranquility.  The eye of the storm is where people find
proof that Yeshua is the Messiah, as the power of God reveals Him
to those trapped in a whirlwind of confusion.

ADONAI wants to grow us in maturity so that He can continually fill
us with more and more power. The more we submit and humble ourselves
in all circumstances, the more we will be filled, and the greater the
testimony will be. He is calling us to stir things up, to disrupt the
blindness of the world around us.

So let us not be satisfied with personal growth alone, but let us cry out for
the power of ADONAI in our lives-that we may cause a great commotion
and prove that Yeshua is the Messiah.

"ADONAI, fill me with more and more power.  Grow me, so that I may
be used as a vessel worthy of Your greatness.  Abba, thank You for this time
of growing and maturity-I stand in awe of Your wisdom and Your majesty.
Use me to prove that Yeshua is the Messiah by demonstrating Your power
through me.  I yield and submit, God of Strength and Might,
to Your awesome, powerful ways..."

"More And More Power"
Taken from the Messianic Mo'adiym Devotional
Messianic Jewish Devotionals For Israel's Annual
Feasts, Fasts, And Appointed Times
By Kevin Geoffrey
 Perfect Word Publishing
A Division of Perfect Word Ministries

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