Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Christian Children Under Attack...In America!


According to an email I received this morning from Jay Sekulow,
Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, his organization
has recently filed a massive lawsuit against President Biden and his Administration
in the wake of a very disturbing incident which happened only a few weeks ago,
one day after the annual March For Life in Washington D.C.

Image courtesy/Adobe Stock

A group of Christian students who had attended the march were berated,
cursed at, and thrown out of a federal museum and all because they were
wearing hats with a Pro-Life logo on them.

According to a recent report from Fox News, the Smithsonian National Air
and Space Museum kicked out a dozen Catholic high school students and their
chaperones for wearing blue beanies with the Pro-Life message "Rosary PRO-LIFE".

These students, who hail from Our Lady Of The Rosary High School in
Greenville, South Carolina were, according to Mr. Sekulow, "berated, cursed at,
and thrown out of a federal museum" by federal security guards.  These kids
and their chaperones were deliberately singled out and publicly humiliated
by federal employees before being senselessly thrown out of a museum
which is supposed to be open to the general public, regardless of race,
skin color, sex, or religious beliefs.

Mr. Sekulow claims that President Biden and his Administration see these
kids and all those who are involved in the Pro-Life Movement as enemies of
the state.  Mr. Sekulow is also a Messianic Jewish man who has accepted
Yeshua (Jesus) as his Savior.

 However, I am certain that he cannot fail to see the ominous parallel
 between the atrocious behavior of these federal employees and the evil
Gestapo of Nazi Germany, who forced his people to wear the Star of David
in order to single them out for persecution and later extermination in
Hitler's concentration camps during WWII.

The targeting of pro-life people, who are the voice of the most defenseless
in our society, the unborn child, must end.  Furthermore, Biden's radical expansion
of abortion-related practices at the expense of the American taxpayers, is not
only unfair, but violates the moral consciences of many people who do not want
to be responsible in any way for the taking of innocent human life through abortion.

I am hoping and praying that members of our Congress who understand the
true meaning of the words, "public servant" will stand up to this pervasive evil
mandate which not only seeks to silence the voices of Christians and the 
Pro-Life Movement, but Tea Party groups, Trump supporters, and all
  conservative thought and speech, no matter how innocuous, from our society.

All members of Congress take an oath to uphold and to defend the U.S. Constitution.
We cannot allow this glorious document, which guarantees the right of all Americans
to freedom of speech and expression of thought, as well as the right to practice their 
 religious beliefs without hindrance from the government, to continue to be ignored and
trashed by this current administration in their shameless attempt to destroy our freedom.

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