Friday, April 14, 2023

On My Mind: "Every War Is More Or Less A Woman's War...God Knows..."


Recently I read about the shocking attack on swimmer Riley Gaines,
who claims she was "ambushed and physically hit" after giving a speech 
 about protecting the rights of women in competitive sports.

Riley Gaines became a national figure when she objected to 
trans swimmer Lia Thomas participating in women's sports.  
Picture courtesy/New York Post


According to an article published in The New York Post, Ms. Gaines was
attacked by a mob of trans-rights protestors who had stormed her speech
at San Francisco State University on April 6th.

The Post reports that Ms. Gaines was "pursued and hit twice by the protesters"
who gave chase and screamed profanities at her. Her husband, Louis Barker,
however, claims his wife was hit numerous times by members of the angry
 mob, even while she was being escorted from the campus by the police.
Riley later took shelter in a barricaded room until police managed to
clear the protesters away from the scene.

The activist group, "Queer and Trans Resource Center" which is 
affiliated with San Francisco State University, apparently were  
  waiting outside the building where Riley was speaking, and later
   "rushed in when the event was over" according to a
university spokesperson.

The event where Gaines expressed concern for the protection of women
in sports was sponsored by the conservative political action group,
Turning Point, USA.  I have to ask myself, was this organization,
which was founded by Charlie Kirk, an evangelical Christian,
aware that they were holding this event in a demon-infested city?
That evil spirits "own" the territory, and even lay claim
to the "inclusive" environs of the SFSU campus?  The attack on
Riley Gaines should serve as a wake-up call for believers that
we are not only engaged in a cultural war in America,
but in a spiritual battle to rescue human souls.

The apostle Paul clearly warned the persecuted believers in the assembly
 at Ephesus, which was the center of worship of the Roman goddess Diana:

"For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, contending only with
physical opponents, but against the despotisms, against the powers,
against the master spirits who are the world rulers of this
present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness
in the (supernatural) heavenly sphere."
(Ephesians 6:12)

  Ever since Satan tempted Eve, which prompted the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden,
the enemy of the souls of mankind has been fully engaged in a war against the female sex.

A Voice from the Past speaks to the Present...

  Although at the time she was writing about the atrocities being committed 
 against women in Armenia and the European nations during WWI,
prolific American author Laura Ingalls Wilder once said,

  "Every war is more or less a woman's war... God knows... 
  To destroy a nation, its women and children must be exterminated
 and so a part of this incredible plot has been to so mutilate and destroy the
 women of these nations that they will bear no more children to perpetuate their race."

Laura further wrote about the women of America who were sheltered from
the terrible conditions in war-torn Europe.   Did the majority of women living
here at that time realize the blessings of law and order in a free society?

Women and girls are no longer sheltered in this nation. In our increasingly
 lawless, "anything goes" society,  women are facing a dangerous challenge from men 
who "identify as a woman" being permitted to use women's rest rooms, locker rooms,
 dressing rooms, participate on women's sports teams, etc.  

 Regarding the sexual attack on a fifteen year old girl by a "skirt-wearing" male
in a Loudoun County Virginia high school women's restroom a few years ago,
it seemed to make no difference that the perpetrator of the crime
had committed prior assaults.  The alleged attacker was shielded by
 school officials who sought to hide his sexual preference from the public.

 Meanwhile, when the girl's distraught father confronted the school board
 concerning the attack, he was arrested by the police!

  This incident was absolutely sickening  and yet the Biden Administration and
 the radical Left continue unchecked in their plan to mutilate and destroy women
 and children in America. The latest attempt is to introduce an "over-the-counter"
abortion pill.   The Left calls it another victory for "reproductive rights"
God calls it murder.

Meanwhile, much of the professing Christian church in America has been
notably indifferent or silent concerning these radical changes in our nation.
Or worse, they have succumbed to the twin evils of social justice and
the Woke agenda in order not to lose their coveted tax exempt
status with the federal government. 
Jesus never said not to pay your taxes.

And, what if the federal government cancels their tax exempt status
by closing the doors of their churches?  

Thank God we still have Jack Hibbs and Jan Markell.

As for other less well known members of the Remnant, thank you and God
 bless you always for standing for His truth in these dark and troubling times.

The answer to this "planned and deliberate" attempt by Satan to destroy
human souls in these last days  is Jesus Christ.

The sinless Son of God took the sins of the entire world and nailed them to the cross.
 He suffered in our place, died, and was buried, and on the third day He rose again. 
Anyone who believes in Him and receives this saving message
 through faith has been spiritually born again.  

Jesus is our eternal and blessed hope.

   The role of a remnant believer in this crucial hour is to share Him
with those who are walking in the spiritual darkness and deception
of this lost and fallen world.   Victory can only be accomplished through
 intercessory prayer and the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And, through the careful study and application of God's Word in our lives.

"For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power, making it
active, operative, energizing, and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged
sword; penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and the
immortal spirit; and of joints and marrow, of the deepest parts of our
nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging
the very thoughts and purposes of the heart."
(Hebrews 4:12)

*Abortion Pill Update:  On Friday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
temporarily halted lower court rulings that set limits on access to the abortion
pill, mifepristone, giving the nation's top judicial body time to weigh a bid
by Present Joe Biden's administration to defend the drug amid a
challenge by anti-abortion groups.

* Source:

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