Sunday, June 30, 2024

Emergency Alert! CAT 4 Major Hurricane Beryl Update!


The latest update  on major Hurricane Beryl!

Thanks again to Mark at Weatherman Plus for
keeping us posted on the track of this dangerous storm.

Emergency Alert!
CAT 4 Major Hurricane Beryl
Weatherman Plus
(June 30, 2024)

500 Earthquakes At Hawaii Volcano/ Sunday Earthquake And Space Weather News


Earthquakes in Oklahoma...and at Hawaii volcano...
Solar Weather update.

500 Earthquakes At Hawaii Volcano/
Sunday Earthquake And Space Weather News
(June 30, 2024)

Sunday Night In Uncle Walt's Vault: Steamboat Willie


The classic cartoon debut of the world's most famous mouse, "Steamboat Willie" 
finds Mickey as a mischievous deckhand on board a riverboat under the command
 of the tyrannical Captain Pete. It's hard to believe this cartoon is almost 100 years old!

Steamboat Willie
Walt Disney Animation Studio
Uploaded by Cult Cinema Classics
(March 17, 2024)

Cat 4 Major Hurricane Beryl Keeps Getting Stronger & Headed West!


Major Hurricane Beryl has formed and is gaining strength as
she heads into the Caribbean, threatening the island of Jamaica.
She may even reach the U.S.!   Stay tuned and please pray
for the people in the path of this dangerous storm.

Cat 4 Major Hurricane Beryl Keeps Getting Stronger
 & Headed West!
Weatherman Plus
(June 30, 2024)

Weathering The Showers


"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,
Who imparts all blessing and favor, Who has called you to His own
eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you
what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely,
and strengthen and settle you."
(1 Peter 5:10)

Water Lilies
Claude Monet
French Impressionist painter
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

The Water Garden by Claude Monet is one of my favorite paintings.
You will find the original in an impressionists museum, de l'Orangerie in Paris.
It is painted in the round and hangs in a circular room.  When you stand in the
center of the room you are completely engulfed in a luxuriant water garden!

My print, hanging over the desk in my office, is only a small representation of
the delightful, full-scale original.  If you study the painting, one of the surprises
you will find is that a major part of the canvas is covered in dark shades of
black, blue, and green. These rather drab colors stand in stark contrast to
the delicate pastels. Actually, they serve to highlight the beautiful florals,
which appear rich and striking upon the deep, dark waters.

At first glance, your eyes are drawn to the colorful petals; then you
realize that Monet painted the dark tones to enhance the lighter.

Monet's painting has much to remind me about the water garden of my life,
and of its Artist.  First, it encourages me that there is a purpose and design
to my life, and that perhaps, at times, I focus too exclusively on the
darker portions of my painting. 

It also reminds me that my Lord, the Artist of my life, has intentionally
allowed the blue, green, and yes, sometimes even the gray and black hues
to be brushed on my canvas for a reason.

God uses these shadows to make my life richer.  Often, when I look back
on difficulties, such as my father's death, times when I have been misunderstood
by friends or my expectations have been dashed, I can see, now, His handiwork
creating a brilliance of color and beauty from pain and suffering. 

The Artist uses a multitude of techniques in our lives to help us
 become the people He created us to be.

Finally, I am reminded that just like the water lilies in Monet's masterpiece,
God keeps the leaves and petals afloat through the muck, wind and rain
that are part of the storms of life.  Water gardens survive April showers
and worse, and I will too, by God's help and grace.

"Weathering The Showers"
Beth Donigan Seversen
Christian author

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat: Order In The Kingdom


Shabbat Shalom, Eretz Israel!

Sabbath Blessings & God's Peace To All

Order In The Kingdom
Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat Preaches
messiah ofisrael
(June 29, 2024)

Saturday Poetry Corner: I Know I Am But Summer To Your Heart

Beach Lovers Kiss
Vickie Wade
Image courtesy/Pixels

I know I am but summer to your heart,

And not the full four seasons of the year;

And you must welcome from another part

Such noble moods as are not mine, my dear.

No gracious weight of golden fruits to sell

Have I,  nor any wise and wintry thing;

And I have loved you all too long and well

To carry still the high sweet breast of Spring.

Wherefore I say: O love, as summer goes,

I must be gone, steal forth with silent drums,

That you may hail anew the bird and rose

When I come back to you, as summer comes.

Else will you seek, at some not distant time,

Even your summer in another clime.

"I Know I Am But Summer To Your Heart"
Fourth Sonnet from "The Harp-Weaver"
Edna St. Vincent Millay
American lyrical poet and playwright

Friday, June 28, 2024

Weather Update: Hurricane Beryl Expected For Jamaica & The Caribbean!


Things are happening fast now with Hurricane Beryl threatening Jamaica
and the Caribbean with a possible turn north to the Gulf of Mexico. 

Please pray for the people in the path of this storm!

Hurricane Beryl Expected For Jamaica
 And The Caribbean!
Weatherman Plus
(June 28, 2024)

Unexpected G4 Solar Storm This Morning. More Tonight?


There was a major  7.2 earthquake off the coast of southern Peru today,
as well as an "unexpected" G4 Solar Storm earlier this morning.

  Aurora Borealis may be visible again over the northern tier states!

Unexpected G4 Solar Storm This Morning. 
 More Tonight?
The EarthMaster
(June 28, 2024)

"Why I Am Crying Inside": Rabbi Schneider Responds To The Debate


Rabbi Kirt Schneider of Discovering The Jewish Jesus shares
his perspective on the July 27th presidential debate and urges his
listeners to look to God as they cast their votes this November.

Rabbi Schneider Responds To The Debate
Discovering The Jewish Jesus With Rabbi Schneider
(June 28, 2024)

The Tropics Are Changing & It's Not Good!


 Invest 95L will soon become Tropical Storm Beryl  and is likely to
 become a major hurricane threatening Jamaica as she leads a
  series of tropical waves into the warm waters of the Caribbean,
followed by a weather pattern which may effect the United States.

Image courtesy/Live Science

Severe weather will also threaten many areas of the country.
May God bless and keep safe everyone in the path of this weather.

Thanks Mark for this latest update!

The Tropics Are Changing & It's Not Good!
Weatherman Plus
June 28, 2024

Flashback Friday: Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying


The British beat band, Gerry and The Pacemakers was one of the most popular
of the "Second British Invasion" groups following in the footsteps of The Beatles.
  After performing their bittersweet, "Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying" on
 The Ed Sullivan Show in May, 1964 this song, along with several other hits,
became a Top 40 favorite in America and is remembered as
one of the classic love songs of the 1960's.

Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
Gerry and The Pacemakers
 Uploaded by Gerry Pacemakers

Friday Focus: Side Effects


I watched the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former
President Donald Trump last night, expecting a showdown between these
two rivals competing for the White House.  I was not disappointed.

What quickly became a battle of wills, predictably, between the 
 contenders, exchanging tit for tat and repeatedly calling each other 
 liars started to get really disgusting after the first couple of minutes.

I was tempted to change the channel.  However, I am glad I
stayed tuned in and listened, painful as it was, to see and hear the
disintegration of an American tradition ( a political debate) in living color.

Photograph courtesy/CNN

Aside from a sore lack of integrity and basic decorum from either candidate, the
 Democrats are now beside themselves over Biden's disastrous performance
 last night and are  "seriously considering" asking him to step down.

  Who do these people think they're fooling?  They knew from Day One of
his presidency that Joseph Biden was unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

If they, as well as a majority of the American people, have not realized by now
 that this man has serious cognitive issues- with his rambling, incoherent speech
and moments of forgetfulness last night- its because they did not want to.

The Democrats are all guilty of the crime of Elder Abuse.  And so is
First Lady Jill Biden, who came out afterwards to escort her failing
 husband off stage and to rally the small crowd of his
supporters who had shown up.

Jill's ecstatic praise of her husband's performance in the debate
 reminded me of a mother cheering on her three year old 
 after removing the training wheels off his bicycle.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump was his usual irascible self, yet, I noticed that
he stayed in control, especially after Biden called him a liar several times and
accused him of having sex with a porn star, something Trump has repeatedly
denied, and something that happened, if it happened at all, a long time
ago, long before he became the 45th President of the United States.

While the candidates did manage to answer questions, even with 
time constraints, on many topics which concern the American people-
 the economy, unchecked immigration, the border situation, the ongoing wars
 in Ukraine and Israel, and abortion- more time was spent haranguing 
and belittling each others' respective records while in office.

Both claimed to have done more for Blacks and Hispanics, etc. I know this
pandering to minorities is standard procedure in American politics, but, I think
a better response to the CNN moderators would have been that they are working
 to improve the lives of all Americans, regardless of race or skin color.

Joe Biden seemed to become incensed over the issue of allowing late term
abortions, claiming that his support for it is untrue.  In fact, Biden seemed
a bit bewildered at Donald Trump's accusations of his complicity. This
is a man (Biden) whose entire re-election campaign is centered around
 more abortions and abortion rights for women.

 Trump cited that some states, "Democrat-run, take it after birth."

Biden declared, "You're lying. That's simply not true."

However, according to the website, Alliance Defending Freedom, the
Democrat-run State of New Jersey does allow late-term abortions.

In 2022, shortly after the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, New Jersey
Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a devastating piece of
legislation which would expand abortion access in three ways:

1. The bill codifies a radical "right" to abortion, which allows
abortion for any reason up until birth.

2. The bill takes the additional step of blocking future passage of
commonsense and medically appropriate abortion regulations. These
include historically popular and bipartisan measures like parental
notification and prohibitions on late-term abortions.

3. The bill further expands taxpayer funding of abortion, forcing New Jersey
 citizens to be complicit in paying for even more abortions in their state.

Meanwhile, President Trump stated last night that he will not block access
 to the drug, Mifepristone, more commonly referred to as the "abortion pill".
According to The National Review this is the first time that the former
president has clarified his position on this controversial drug.

"I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it,"
he stated last night, referring to the recent decision by the
 U.S. Supreme Court to approve the pill.

I am sorry you feel this way, Mr. President.  Unfortunately, you can not
compromise when it comes to the sanctity of human life.  And I am not just
speaking here about the life of the unborn child.  What about the lives of
women who will now have access to this drug?  What kind of  adverse
side effects might they experience after taking it?  

Although Mr. Trump takes credit for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade with the
 nomination of three conservative judges to the Supreme Court, he also stated
 that he would not support federal restrictions on abortion and that this 
 was an issue which should be, "left up to the states".  

"When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot
was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd.
"I am innocent of this man's blood," he said, "You bear the responsibility."
(Matthew 27:24)

Abortion has nothing to due with human or state rights.  It should never be
   enshrined in a state's constitution like in Ohio. Abortion is the deliberate and
willful taking of human life.  What is the difference between a woman who walks
into Planned Parenthood and aborts her baby, and a woman robbing a convenience
 store and murdering the clerk behind the counter? 

There is no difference!  Murder is Murder!

 Furthermore, Mr. Trump, if there are no federal guidelines mandated in all
50 states against late-term and after birth abortions how will they be stopped? 

Both Democrats and Republicans have stated over the years that
there should be a 'limited need' for abortion, the exceptions being
rape, incest, or the life of the mother.  But should a baby conceived
in an act of rape or incest be punished for the sins of his or her father?

Why can't federal and state money be used to increase the use of
ultrasound so that women can see their unborn child in the womb?

 Why can't legislation be drafted to support compassionate care and
 non-judgmental counseling and the creation of more pregnancy crisis
centers across America where both the mother and the child
are considered human beings with souls?

While Joe Biden and Donald Trump are very different, politically speaking,
 what links them together is their similar stances on this unmitigated evil,
which has destroyed so many lives in this country and is perhaps the
greatest sin in the history of America next to slavery, the only difference
being that a runaway slave sometimes escaped his or her fate thanks
to the help of the Underground Railroad.

The unborn child has no such chance. Although there are many people in this
nation who love and support them, enough to even risk lengthy prison sentences
for breaking the law in trying to help them,  unborn babies are at the mercy of
  the mother, the abortionist,  and our indifferent society, that unfortunately
 includes a government which once declared human life as sacred.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
-The Declaration of Independence

Image courtesy/Birthmother Ministries

"I AM WHO I AM, said the LORD to Moses."
(Exodus 3:14)

"Keep far from a false matter and BE VERY CAREFUL not to
condemn to death the innocent and the righteous, for I WILL NOT
justify and acquit the wicked."
(Exodus 23:7)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Potential Hurricane In The Gulf?


Multiple tropical waves coming into the Caribbean.

Could a major hurricane be forming soon? 

This Will Be A Game Changer On 95L, Beryl
Weatherman Plus
(June 27, 2024)

Throwback Thursday: A Letter To The Editor


"We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within
these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations
after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth.
May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this
earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist
to the World.  May all who see this Cross, remember what we have
done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this
Covenant and in this most noble work that the
Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled."
-Robert Hunt, First Chaplain at Jamestown
April 29, 1607

Cape Henry Memorial Cross
Cape Henry, Virginia
Photograph courtesy/ Steven Markos

The following is a letter written by yours truly to
The Franklin Township Sentinel in April 2009:

"We will convey," said President Barack Obama as he stood before the Turkish 
Parliament, "our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much
over the centuries to shape the world...including in my own country."

Could he possibly be referring to that crystal clear September morning eight years ago,
when murderous cowards slammed airplanes into the World Trade Center
 and the Pentagon for the glory of Allah?

The president also said that 'arrogant' and 'derisive' America is no longer at war with Islam.

In a way, he is right. The proponents of radical Islam started this unholy war or jihad
against us.  They are bound and determine to conquer America, to topple what they call
The Great Satan in the name of Allah, the merciful and compassionate...
at the point of the sword...

"Know that Paradise is under the shades of swords, Jihad in Allah's cause."
- the Prophet Muhammad.

Muslim advocacy groups operating on American soil deny this, claiming that the
continual rise of violent Islam against the West is a fairytale, that ever since 9/11
Muslims have suffered the slings and arrows of a cruel, right-wing orchestrated
witch hunt led by conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

If this is the truth, then why are these same groups vigorously pushing for
the passage of federal hate crime legislation by our Congress? 

Federal Hate Crime laws are not only unconstitutional, but will decree that any
criticism of Islam is hate speech, punishable by fines or possible imprisonment.
Furthermore, why is the possibility of the future implementation of Sharia,
or Islamic law in America, suddenly a hot topic discussion on
primetime television news shows?

President Obama's belittling remarks about our country before salivating crowds
of socialist Europeans, as well as his insinuation before a predominantly Muslim
audience in Turkey that America is no longer a strong Christian nation 
 is more than a little disturbing to me.

Why did he feel it necessary to discuss the current state of religion in America
with the Turks in the first place?  Why was reassuring them that we are now
 an all-inclusive multi-faith society so important?

None of our original founding fathers who drafted the glorious document which
became our Constitution were practicing Muslims.  Furthermore, Christianity alone
is the heartbeat of western civilization. Contrary to the politically correct spin that
America is in her Judeo-Christian twilight, the truth still remains that our nation
was founded on the moral principles found in the Holy Bible.

In the year 1607, thirteen years before pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock,
another group of men and women left England and braved storm-tossed seas
to come here and begin a new life.  After arriving safely in Cape Henry,
Virginia one of their first acts was to give thanks and praise to God.
They also erected a seven foot wooden cross and dedicated
this land to the Lord Jesus Christ.

This simple act of unswerving faith by our colonial ancestors is the main
reason why America has endured and prospered like no other nation on the
face of the earth. Their deep faith, and the freedom to practice religion
granted to every America under the Constitution is why Christians,
Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religions can
openly worship here in peace and safety.

In closing, I would like to encourage my fellow Christians in these
perilous times.  Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let it be afraid.
And, in the words of the great Winston Churchill, addressing the
British people during the darkest days of World War II,
"Never, never, give up!"

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Indulge in Chocolate Bliss: A Slice of Heaven Cake


A simple yet decadent dessert for your next cookout!

Indulge In Chocolate Bliss:
A Slice Of Heaven Cake
Cooking With Shotgun Red
(June 26, 2024)

Wednesday's Word: Praise The Lord, O Jerusalem, Praise Your God, O Zion!


"For thus says the high and lofty One- He Who inhabits eternity,
Whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, but with
him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to
revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the
thoroughly penitent, bruised with sorrow for sin."
(Isaiah 57:15)

View Of The Golden Gate From The Garden Of Gethsemane
 A painting by Alex Levin/

Praise the Lord!

For it is good to sing praises to our God,

 for He is gracious and lovely;

praise is becoming and appropriate.

The Lord is building up Jerusalem;

 He is gathering together the exiles of Israel.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, 

curing their pains and their sorrows.

He determines and counts the number of the stars; 

He calls them all by their names.

Great is our Lord and of great power; 

His understanding is inexhaustible and boundless.

The Lord lifts up the humble and downtrodden;

 sing praises with the harp or the lyre to our God-

Who covers the heavens with clouds,

Who prepares rain for the earth,

Who makes grass to grow on the mountains.

He gives to the beast his food,

and to the young ravens that for which they cry.

He delights not in the strength of the horse,

nor does He take pleasure in the legs of man.

The Lord takes pleasure in those

who reverently and worshipfully fear Him,

in those who hope in His mercy and loving-kindness.

Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem!

Praise your God, O Zion!

For He has strengthened and made hard

 the bars of your gates,

and He has blessed your children within you.

He makes peace in your borders;

He fills you with the finest of wheat.

He sends forth His commands to the earth;

His word runs very swiftly.

He gives to the earth snow like a blanket of wool;

He scatters the hoarfrost like ashes.

He casts forth His ice like crumbs;

who can stand before His cold?

He sends out His word, and melts ice and snow;

He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow.

He declares His word to Jacob, His statutes 

and His ordinances to Israel.

He has not dealt so with any other nation; 

they have not known-understood, appreciated,

given heed to, and cherished His ordinances.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

(Psalm 147)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Global Earthquake Update & More!


Solar flares and sunspots...volcanic and earthquake updates...and not just
on the West Coast...there was a 1.8 magnitude earthquake just a few 
 hours ago in the state of Maryland!

Latest Southern California Earthquake Activity/
Monsoonal Moisture In Area Today
The EarthMaster
(June 25, 2024)

The 1952 Flatwoods Incident: Fact Or Folklore?


On September 12, 1952 brothers Eddie and Freddy May were playing with
their friends on the lawn of the Flatwoods Elementary School just before dusk.
Suddenly, a bright light streaked across the sky and crash landed on the
nearby Fisher farm.  The boys, accompanied by their mother and a neighbor
 hurried to the crash site, only to encounter a strange and terrifying creature
which would later become known as the "Flatwoods Monster".

What exactly did the witnesses see?  What was the foul mist hanging in the air?
 Why did some in the group become sick afterwards? Was this reaction mere hysteria?
Or were these people exposed to something experimental in nature?

The 1952 Flatwoods Incident
Forgotten History
(April 10, 2023)

Winston Marshall With Melanie Phillips: What Is Really Going On In The Middle East


British musician and podcaster Winston Marshall interviews
prolific author and Times' columnist Melanie Phillips to discuss
the war in Israel, the failure of Human Rights, the moral corruption
of international organizations and the endless stupidity of the
British Conservative Party.

United Nations And Hamas Are In Bed Together
Winston Marshall
(June 5, 2024)

Tuesday Bible Study With Les Feldick


Oklahoma-based Bible teacher Les Feldick begins in Acts Chapter 18, where the
apostle Paul has begun his ministry to the Gentile world of Asia Minor in western
  Turkey. He then crossed over to Greece, and down to the cities of Athens and Corinth.

Introducing Romans/Program # 9513
Les Feldick Ministries

In this teaching, Les continues with the journeys of Paul
who always has to defend his apostleship. And no wonder,
because as Saul of Tarsus, he had been a man steeped in
the religion of the Jews, a Pharisee of the Pharisees,
and a member of the tribe of Benjamin.

Introducing Romans/Program #9514
Les Feldick Ministries

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Meditation: Life Is A Mixture Of Sunshine And Rain

"Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain
 down righteousness, the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that
 have their foundation in the holy being of God; let the earth open,
and let them,  skies and earth sprout forth salvation, and let the
righteousness germinate and spring up, as plants do, together;
I the Lord have created it."
(Isaiah 45:8)

Image courtesy/Pixels

Life is a mixture

Of sunshine and rain,

Laughter and teardrops

Pleasures and pain-

Low tides and high tides,

Mountains and plains,

Triumphs, defeat

And losses and gains-

But always in all ways

God's guiding and leading

And He alone knows

The things we're most needing-

And when He sends sorrow

Or some dreaded affliction,

Be assured that it comes

With God's kind benediction-

And if we accept it

As a gift of His love

We'll be showered with blessings

From our Father above.

"Life Is A Mixture Of Sunshine And Rain"
Helen Steiner Rice
American Christian poetess

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday Night In Uncle Walt's Vault: The Cookie Carnival


The animated short, "Cookie Carnival"  is a  delicious Cinderella story about a 
cookie girl who longs to be crowned The Cookie Queen- and pays homage to Atlantic 
 City boardwalk parades and bathing beauty contests of the 1920's and 1930's
 one of which became the Miss America pageant parade.

The Cookie Carnival 
A Walt Disney Silly Symphony
Uploaded by Allwaysinone

You Are A Hiding Place For Me


"Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities
are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried.
Blessed and happy are to be envied is the person whose sin the
Lord will take no account nor reckon against him.
(Romans 4:7-8)

The Lion of Judah
Greg Collins
Image courtesy/Fine Art America


A Psalm of David

Blessed is he who has forgiveness of his transgression continually
exercised upon him, whose sin is covered.

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes no iniquity and
in whose spirit there is no deceit.

When I kept silence, before I confessed, my bones wasted away
through my groaning all day long.

For day and night Your hand of displeasure was heavy upon me;
my moisture was turned into the drought of summer.

Selah pause, and calmly think of that!

I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide, I said,
I will confess my transgressions to the Lord, continually unfolding the past
 till all is told-then You instantly forgave me the guilt and iniquity of my sin.

Selah pause, and calmly think of that!

For this forgiveness let everyone who is godly pray-pray to You in a time
when You may be found; surely when the great waters of trial overflow,
they shall not reach the spirit in him.

You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble,
You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance.

Selah pause, and calmly think of that!

I the Lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

Be not like the horse or the mule, which lack understanding, which must have
 their mouths held firm with bit and bridle, or else they will not come with you.

Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but he who trusts in, relies on, and confidently
leans on the Lord shall be compassed about with mercy and with loving-kindness.

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice you uncompromisingly righteous, you who are
upright and in right standing with Him; shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

Zemer Levav

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Poetry Corner: 'Tis Moonlight, Summer Moonlight


'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight,

All soft and still and fair-

The solemn hour of midnight

Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere.

Reflections On The Summer Solstice Full Moon
Photograph by Tim Kirchoff
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

But most where trees are sending

Their breezy boughs on high,

Or stooping low are lending

A shelter from the sky.

And there in those wild bowers

A lovely form is laid,

Green grass and dew-steeped flowers

Wave gently around her head.

'Tis Moonlight, Summer Moonlight
Emily Bronte
English novelist and poet

Friday, June 21, 2024

Amir Tsarfati: Jesus: Man or God?


Shabbat Shalom, Eretz Israel!    God's Blessings & Peace to All.

Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel Ministries and his guest, Dr. Seth Postell
discuss the deity of Yeshua (Jesus) the Jewish Messiah.

Jesus: Man Or God?
Behold Israel With Amir Tsarfati
(June 21, 2024)

Flashback Friday: Roll On Mississippi


From the album of the same name, the nostalgic, "Roll On Mississippi" was a
hit song for the great country balladeer Charley Pride in the summer of 1981.

Back when country music in America was really country music!

Roll On Mississippi
Charley Pride

Full Strawberry Moon Tonight


Tonight's Full Strawberry Moon will coincide with the time of
the summer Solstice, which in the Northern Hemisphere occurs
when the Sun travels along its northernmost path in the sky.
This marks the astronomical start of summer in the
northern half of the globe.

Full Strawberry Moon 2024
Picture courtesy/Martha Stewart

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the term "solstice" comes from the Latin words,
"sol" (Sun) and "sistere" (to stand still).  Due to Earth's tilted axis, the Sun doesn't rise and
set at the same locations on the horizon each morning and evening; its rise and set positions
move northward or southward in the sky as Earth travels around the Sun through the year.

The Sun's track also becomes higher or lower in the sky throughout the year. The June
solstice is significant because the Sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky at this
time, at which point the Sun's path does not change for a brief period of time.

The month of June is peak season for strawberries in southern New Jersey!

Enjoy some of these delicious fruits while watching the moon rise tonight.

🌕I hope the skies will be clear where you're at!🌕

Picture courtesy/

Friday Focus: The "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible/ Beneficial Or Blasphemous?


"Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God?
Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity
with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ the Messiah."
(Galatians 1:10)

The "God Bless The USA" Bible
Photograph courtesy: Adam Gabbatt/The Guardian

The apostle Paul asked the above questions after warning his listeners
about a gospel different from what he preached, calling those who
 would pervert the good news message as an anathema, doomed to
eternal punishment.  I read these verses again this morning after
much thinking about the "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible being
endorsed by former President Donald Trump and country
music singer Lee Greenwood.

Included within the covers of this King James version of the Holy Bible 
is a copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

According to Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian newspaper, who purchased a copy
of what the media is calling, "Trump's Bible", this edition of the Holy Scriptures, 
"is all American flags and bald eagles". In addition to including the national
documents listed above, it also contains the lyrics to Greenwood's "God Bless
 The USA"  a song which is played on repeat at Trump's political rallies."

  I believe that the Word of God is sacrosanct-set apart.

  A Bible should never contain an appendix of the government policies of any nation,
even if those documents were said to be inspired by the Holy Scriptures.

I believe a wiser choice in this matter should have been endorsing the
Bible with a separate companion package of the U.S. Constitution
and the Declaration of Independence, etc. included. I further think 
 Donald Trump and Lee Greenwood should have consulted with
David Barton, America's foremost Christian historian, who
could have contributed much further documentation of
America's Judeo-Christian heritage, which could also
have been included as a separate companion feature.

While reading and studying and meditating on God's Word daily is essential to 
 every believer, what about unbelievers who purchase this Bible because of the
Trump endorsement?   Will they seek to know God's will for their lives?
Will they become born-again, blood-purchased believers in Messiah?
Or, will the "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible eventually fade into
obscurity as a politically-motivated novelty?

God is a respecter of no man or nation.  He does not carry an American flag.
As much as I love my nation, the America of my childhood is gone now. 
While reading and studying the Word of God is beneficial to all people, 
 to include symbols of national pride, like drawings of the American flag,
bald eagles, and even the Statue of Liberty, who is actually an allegorical
representation of the Roman goddess Libertas, within the covers of
the Holy Bible, borders on blasphemy.

What is needed in America in these perilous times for our nation is for righteous
  men and women in our government, and within the remnant church, to stand
  together and call for a time of national prayer and repentance for the grievous
 sins America has committed in the sight of Almighty God.  

Many Americans believe only Donald Trump can "Save America".

But only God can truly heal and restore our land.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

JBS News Analysis: Dershowitz: Get Out Of The United Nations!

In this episode of  Analysis Behind The News,  Bill Hahn reiterates the
long held view of The John Birch Society: "Get The U.S. Out Of The U.N."

Dershowitz: Get Out Of The UN
JBS News Analysis
The John Birch Society
(June 20, 2024)

Thursday's Thoughts: Happy First Day Of Summer!


"From the rising of the sun to the going down of it and
 from east to west, the name of the Lord is to be praised!
(Psalm 113:3)

Image courtesy/Pinterest

In the morning, very early,

That's the time I love to go

Barefoot where the fern grows curly

And grass is cool between each toe,

O a summer morning-O!

On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by

Up the sunny slopes of air,

And each rose has a butterfly

Or a golden bee to wear;

And I am glad in every toe-

Such a summer morning-O!

Such a summer morning!

"Barefoot Days"

Rachel Field
American novelist, poet,
and children's fiction writer
Author of the book,
"Hitty, Her First Hundred Years"