Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Focus: Side Effects


I watched the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former
President Donald Trump last night, expecting a showdown between these
two rivals competing for the White House.  I was not disappointed.

What quickly became a battle of wills, predictably, between the 
 contenders, exchanging tit for tat and repeatedly calling each other 
 liars started to get really disgusting after the first couple of minutes.

I was tempted to change the channel.  However, I am glad I
stayed tuned in and listened, painful as it was, to see and hear the
disintegration of an American tradition ( a political debate) in living color.

Photograph courtesy/CNN

Aside from a sore lack of integrity and basic decorum from either candidate, the
 Democrats are now beside themselves over Biden's disastrous performance
 last night and are  "seriously considering" asking him to step down.

  Who do these people think they're fooling?  They knew from Day One of
his presidency that Joseph Biden was unfit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.

If they, as well as a majority of the American people, have not realized by now
 that this man has serious cognitive issues- with his rambling, incoherent speech
and moments of forgetfulness last night- its because they did not want to.

The Democrats are all guilty of the crime of Elder Abuse.  And so is
First Lady Jill Biden, who came out afterwards to escort her failing
 husband off stage and to rally the small crowd of his
supporters who had shown up.

Jill's ecstatic praise of her husband's performance in the debate
 reminded me of a mother cheering on her three year old 
 after removing the training wheels off his bicycle.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump was his usual irascible self, yet, I noticed that
he stayed in control, especially after Biden called him a liar several times and
accused him of having sex with a porn star, something Trump has repeatedly
denied, and something that happened, if it happened at all, a long time
ago, long before he became the 45th President of the United States.

While the candidates did manage to answer questions, even with 
time constraints, on many topics which concern the American people-
 the economy, unchecked immigration, the border situation, the ongoing wars
 in Ukraine and Israel, and abortion- more time was spent haranguing 
and belittling each others' respective records while in office.

Both claimed to have done more for Blacks and Hispanics, etc. I know this
pandering to minorities is standard procedure in American politics, but, I think
a better response to the CNN moderators would have been that they are working
 to improve the lives of all Americans, regardless of race or skin color.

Joe Biden seemed to become incensed over the issue of allowing late term
abortions, claiming that his support for it is untrue.  In fact, Biden seemed
a bit bewildered at Donald Trump's accusations of his complicity. This
is a man (Biden) whose entire re-election campaign is centered around
 more abortions and abortion rights for women.

 Trump cited that some states, "Democrat-run, take it after birth."

Biden declared, "You're lying. That's simply not true."

However, according to the website, Alliance Defending Freedom, the
Democrat-run State of New Jersey does allow late-term abortions.

In 2022, shortly after the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, New Jersey
Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a devastating piece of
legislation which would expand abortion access in three ways:

1. The bill codifies a radical "right" to abortion, which allows
abortion for any reason up until birth.

2. The bill takes the additional step of blocking future passage of
commonsense and medically appropriate abortion regulations. These
include historically popular and bipartisan measures like parental
notification and prohibitions on late-term abortions.

3. The bill further expands taxpayer funding of abortion, forcing New Jersey
 citizens to be complicit in paying for even more abortions in their state.

Meanwhile, President Trump stated last night that he will not block access
 to the drug, Mifepristone, more commonly referred to as the "abortion pill".
According to The National Review this is the first time that the former
president has clarified his position on this controversial drug.

"I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it,"
he stated last night, referring to the recent decision by the
 U.S. Supreme Court to approve the pill.

I am sorry you feel this way, Mr. President.  Unfortunately, you can not
compromise when it comes to the sanctity of human life.  And I am not just
speaking here about the life of the unborn child.  What about the lives of
women who will now have access to this drug?  What kind of  adverse
side effects might they experience after taking it?  

Although Mr. Trump takes credit for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade with the
 nomination of three conservative judges to the Supreme Court, he also stated
 that he would not support federal restrictions on abortion and that this 
 was an issue which should be, "left up to the states".  

"When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot
was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd.
"I am innocent of this man's blood," he said, "You bear the responsibility."
(Matthew 27:24)

Abortion has nothing to due with human or state rights.  It should never be
   enshrined in a state's constitution like in Ohio. Abortion is the deliberate and
willful taking of human life.  What is the difference between a woman who walks
into Planned Parenthood and aborts her baby, and a woman robbing a convenience
 store and murdering the clerk behind the counter? 

There is no difference!  Murder is Murder!

 Furthermore, Mr. Trump, if there are no federal guidelines mandated in all
50 states against late-term and after birth abortions how will they be stopped? 

Both Democrats and Republicans have stated over the years that
there should be a 'limited need' for abortion, the exceptions being
rape, incest, or the life of the mother.  But should a baby conceived
in an act of rape or incest be punished for the sins of his or her father?

Why can't federal and state money be used to increase the use of
ultrasound so that women can see their unborn child in the womb?

 Why can't legislation be drafted to support compassionate care and
 non-judgmental counseling and the creation of more pregnancy crisis
centers across America where both the mother and the child
are considered human beings with souls?

While Joe Biden and Donald Trump are very different, politically speaking,
 what links them together is their similar stances on this unmitigated evil,
which has destroyed so many lives in this country and is perhaps the
greatest sin in the history of America next to slavery, the only difference
being that a runaway slave sometimes escaped his or her fate thanks
to the help of the Underground Railroad.

The unborn child has no such chance. Although there are many people in this
nation who love and support them, enough to even risk lengthy prison sentences
for breaking the law in trying to help them,  unborn babies are at the mercy of
  the mother, the abortionist,  and our indifferent society, that unfortunately
 includes a government which once declared human life as sacred.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
-The Declaration of Independence

Image courtesy/Birthmother Ministries

"I AM WHO I AM, said the LORD to Moses."
(Exodus 3:14)

"Keep far from a false matter and BE VERY CAREFUL not to
condemn to death the innocent and the righteous, for I WILL NOT
justify and acquit the wicked."
(Exodus 23:7)

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