Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Focus: The "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible/ Beneficial Or Blasphemous?


"Now am I trying to win the favor of men, or of God?
Do I seek to please men? If I were still seeking popularity
with men, I should not be a bond servant of Christ the Messiah."
(Galatians 1:10)

The "God Bless The USA" Bible
Photograph courtesy: Adam Gabbatt/The Guardian

The apostle Paul asked the above questions after warning his listeners
about a gospel different from what he preached, calling those who
 would pervert the good news message as an anathema, doomed to
eternal punishment.  I read these verses again this morning after
much thinking about the "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible being
endorsed by former President Donald Trump and country
music singer Lee Greenwood.

Included within the covers of this King James version of the Holy Bible 
is a copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of
Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

According to Adam Gabbatt of The Guardian newspaper, who purchased a copy
of what the media is calling, "Trump's Bible", this edition of the Holy Scriptures, 
"is all American flags and bald eagles". In addition to including the national
documents listed above, it also contains the lyrics to Greenwood's "God Bless
 The USA"  a song which is played on repeat at Trump's political rallies."

  I believe that the Word of God is sacrosanct-set apart.

  A Bible should never contain an appendix of the government policies of any nation,
even if those documents were said to be inspired by the Holy Scriptures.

I believe a wiser choice in this matter should have been endorsing the
Bible with a separate companion package of the U.S. Constitution
and the Declaration of Independence, etc. included. I further think 
 Donald Trump and Lee Greenwood should have consulted with
David Barton, America's foremost Christian historian, who
could have contributed much further documentation of
America's Judeo-Christian heritage, which could also
have been included as a separate companion feature.

While reading and studying and meditating on God's Word daily is essential to 
 every believer, what about unbelievers who purchase this Bible because of the
Trump endorsement?   Will they seek to know God's will for their lives?
Will they become born-again, blood-purchased believers in Messiah?
Or, will the "God Bless The U.S.A." Bible eventually fade into
obscurity as a politically-motivated novelty?

God is a respecter of no man or nation.  He does not carry an American flag.
As much as I love my nation, the America of my childhood is gone now. 
While reading and studying the Word of God is beneficial to all people, 
 to include symbols of national pride, like drawings of the American flag,
bald eagles, and even the Statue of Liberty, who is actually an allegorical
representation of the Roman goddess Libertas, within the covers of
the Holy Bible, borders on blasphemy.

What is needed in America in these perilous times for our nation is for righteous
  men and women in our government, and within the remnant church, to stand
  together and call for a time of national prayer and repentance for the grievous
 sins America has committed in the sight of Almighty God.  

Many Americans believe only Donald Trump can "Save America".

But only God can truly heal and restore our land.

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