Sunday, June 30, 2024

Weathering The Showers


"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,
Who imparts all blessing and favor, Who has called you to His own
eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you
what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely,
and strengthen and settle you."
(1 Peter 5:10)

Water Lilies
Claude Monet
French Impressionist painter
Image courtesy/Fine Art America

The Water Garden by Claude Monet is one of my favorite paintings.
You will find the original in an impressionists museum, de l'Orangerie in Paris.
It is painted in the round and hangs in a circular room.  When you stand in the
center of the room you are completely engulfed in a luxuriant water garden!

My print, hanging over the desk in my office, is only a small representation of
the delightful, full-scale original.  If you study the painting, one of the surprises
you will find is that a major part of the canvas is covered in dark shades of
black, blue, and green. These rather drab colors stand in stark contrast to
the delicate pastels. Actually, they serve to highlight the beautiful florals,
which appear rich and striking upon the deep, dark waters.

At first glance, your eyes are drawn to the colorful petals; then you
realize that Monet painted the dark tones to enhance the lighter.

Monet's painting has much to remind me about the water garden of my life,
and of its Artist.  First, it encourages me that there is a purpose and design
to my life, and that perhaps, at times, I focus too exclusively on the
darker portions of my painting. 

It also reminds me that my Lord, the Artist of my life, has intentionally
allowed the blue, green, and yes, sometimes even the gray and black hues
to be brushed on my canvas for a reason.

God uses these shadows to make my life richer.  Often, when I look back
on difficulties, such as my father's death, times when I have been misunderstood
by friends or my expectations have been dashed, I can see, now, His handiwork
creating a brilliance of color and beauty from pain and suffering. 

The Artist uses a multitude of techniques in our lives to help us
 become the people He created us to be.

Finally, I am reminded that just like the water lilies in Monet's masterpiece,
God keeps the leaves and petals afloat through the muck, wind and rain
that are part of the storms of life.  Water gardens survive April showers
and worse, and I will too, by God's help and grace.

"Weathering The Showers"
Beth Donigan Seversen
Christian author

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