Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday's Thoughts: Happy First Day Of Summer!


"From the rising of the sun to the going down of it and
 from east to west, the name of the Lord is to be praised!
(Psalm 113:3)

Image courtesy/Pinterest

In the morning, very early,

That's the time I love to go

Barefoot where the fern grows curly

And grass is cool between each toe,

O a summer morning-O!

On a summer morning!

That is when the birds go by

Up the sunny slopes of air,

And each rose has a butterfly

Or a golden bee to wear;

And I am glad in every toe-

Such a summer morning-O!

Such a summer morning!

"Barefoot Days"

Rachel Field
American novelist, poet,
and children's fiction writer
Author of the book,
"Hitty, Her First Hundred Years"

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