Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Meditation: Life Is A Mixture Of Sunshine And Rain

"Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain
 down righteousness, the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that
 have their foundation in the holy being of God; let the earth open,
and let them,  skies and earth sprout forth salvation, and let the
righteousness germinate and spring up, as plants do, together;
I the Lord have created it."
(Isaiah 45:8)

Image courtesy/Pixels

Life is a mixture

Of sunshine and rain,

Laughter and teardrops

Pleasures and pain-

Low tides and high tides,

Mountains and plains,

Triumphs, defeat

And losses and gains-

But always in all ways

God's guiding and leading

And He alone knows

The things we're most needing-

And when He sends sorrow

Or some dreaded affliction,

Be assured that it comes

With God's kind benediction-

And if we accept it

As a gift of His love

We'll be showered with blessings

From our Father above.

"Life Is A Mixture Of Sunshine And Rain"
Helen Steiner Rice
American Christian poetess

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