Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jerusalem: Ancient Gates, Future Glory/Part 7: Lions Gate/ Part 8:The Eastern Gate


 Lion's Gate also known as St. Stephen's Gate is where the Israeli
army entered to re-claim the Old City during the Six Day War in 1967.

 Let us pray that the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Yeshua HaMashiach
will soon return to the Holy City as the King of Glory!

Guests in this segment include Tamar Hayardeni, David Dolan,
and Colonel Shimon Cahaner. 

With music by Marty Goetz.

Jerusalem: Ancient Gates, Future Glory/Part 7: Lion's Gate
Our Jewish Roots
(Originally aired in 2014)

The Eastern or Golden Gate has been closed since the Byzantine era
when there was a Muslim attempt to thwart the Second Coming of 
 the  Jewish Messiah.  Also known as "Messiah Gate" it will open again
  when the King of kings returns to reign in glory from Jerusalem.

Guests in this final segment include Shimon Gibson
and Tommy Waller of HaYovel.

With music by Marty Goetz.

Jerusalem Ancient Gates, Future Glory, Part 8 Eastern Gate
Our Jewish Roots
(Originally aired in 2014

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