Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The 1952 Flatwoods Incident: Fact Or Folklore?


On September 12, 1952 brothers Eddie and Freddy May were playing with
their friends on the lawn of the Flatwoods Elementary School just before dusk.
Suddenly, a bright light streaked across the sky and crash landed on the
nearby Fisher farm.  The boys, accompanied by their mother and a neighbor
 hurried to the crash site, only to encounter a strange and terrifying creature
which would later become known as the "Flatwoods Monster".

What exactly did the witnesses see?  What was the foul mist hanging in the air?
 Why did some in the group become sick afterwards? Was this reaction mere hysteria?
Or were these people exposed to something experimental in nature?

The 1952 Flatwoods Incident
Forgotten History
(April 10, 2023)

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