Saturday, March 16, 2019

On My Mind: Why I Won't Eat Girl Scout Cookies Anymore


I have always liked Girl Scout cookies.  I've have liked them since I
was a little girl, when my mother would bring home boxes of
delicious Thin Mints and the original Girl Scout Shortbread,
which she had purchased from our local Brownie troop,
-of which my older sister was a member- for only 50 cents a box.

I think I might be dating myself here by naming the cost of a box of GS
  cookies when I was a kid, but that's really not my point in writing this post.

As I have grown older and considerably wiser, ( At least I think so)
I not only recognize that the world has drastically changed since
my childhood cookie munching days, but, unfortunately, so has
 the motive behind the selling of these delicious once-a-year treats,
although now you can buy them year round via Amazon.

The annual selling of Girl Scout cookies starts in my area usually
 during the late winter months  and are as traditionally American 
as baseball, hot dogs,  apple pie, and Chevrolet.  

"On my honor, I will try: To serve God
and my country, To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law."
-The Girl Scout Promise

Two Girl Scouts grace the cover of the March 1933 edition 
of "Good Housekeeping" Magazine

The focus of the Girl Scouts use to be primarily
  about serving God, family, and country, which
    was once viewed as an important and noble undertaking
   for American girls, as well as learning, through both team work 
and individual accomplishments, how to make the right moral 
 and ethical choices of responsible citizenship and for life.

Unfortunately, in 21st century America this is no longer the case.

I stopped purchasing boxes of those decadent caramel-and-
coconut-laced Carmel de lites-formerly called Samoas-
on the grim day several years ago when I found out that 
 the GSUSA organization were actively promoting
a pro-abortion agenda and Planned Parenthood.

According to a recent article from the website,
in November 2018, an article in "Tucson Life" featured a story about 
an Arizona scout and abortion-rights activist, Meghna Gopalan, 
seeking to obtain the Gold Award, which is considered the
highest honor bestowed by the Girl Scouts of America
 for her work on behalf of promoting "reproductive health justice".


The website further reports: "Reproductive health justice" is merely
coded language for advocating unrestrained abortion-on-demand
throughout a woman's entire pregnancy, even up to the day
and hour of giving birth.

Is anyone with a conscience and a healthy fear and respect
for the Creator, who at this moment might be indulging unaware on a 
 Thin Mint with their morning cup of Joe starting to gag yet?

This young woman going for the gold has also taken it upon herself
to educate (indoctrinate) others to "destigmatize access to women's
healthcare" which is yet another way of saying that she is promoting abortion.

  I've been seeing my Ob/Gyn for many years now and
never once have I been denied a basic routine examination or
access to a yearly mammogram.  In fact, I have always
been encouraged by my doctor to have a mammogram every
year since I turned 40 whether I think I need to or not.

Pelvic exams and pap smears, breast checks and mammograms.
Receiving adequate care and council before, during and after pregnancy.
These are the procedures and protocol of real healthcare for women.

Abortion is not, nor should it ever be confused with
 or linked to women's healthcare.
Abortion is the willful and deliberate taking of a human life.

But I can clearly see that even with all the irrefutable proof due
to modern advances in medicine and technology that abortion
 stops a beating heart, not to mention the amazing sonograms of
an unborn baby in the womb, the GSUSA has chosen to turn
a blind eye and a deaf ear to the cries of justice and mercy 
 for the most defenseless members of our society.  Perhaps like
certain members of Congress, they believe that kittens
are entitled to more protection in the womb than human beings.

Neither do they care about how many of those innocent,
sweet-faced little girls standing out there in all kinds of weather
trying to sell cookies to passersby in front of supermarkets and
 chain stores, or even in the sanctuaries of churches,
 might have their lives easily destroyed through abortion.
Like anything else in this lost and fallen world we live and
 endure in, with both the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood
it's all about the money.


(Here's the skinny on these fattening treats and just
who really profits from the sale of them.)

According to Bradley Mattes, the President of Life Issues Institute:

"When you purchase Girl Scout cookies, you may think that the proceeds
stay local, but only 10-20% is given to the local troop selling them.
The regional council gets approximately 65-75%.

GSUSA gets a royalty fee for each box of cookies, which based upon
their most recent IRS 990 form was over nine-million dollars.
GSUSA won't allow you to give money directly to the local troop
instead of buying cookies.  If you do, the money will be directed toward
purchasing cookies that will be given to a food kitchen or shipped to
our military troops.  Regardless, the same royalty fee is applied.

The only difference is you won't be consuming the cookies...
Regardless whether or not your local troop or council is 
involved with the advocacy of abortion, part of your money
will support abortion on the nation and global levels."

According to Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American
Center of Law and Justice, "Planned Parenthood takes the lives
of over 900 unborn babies every single day- over 330,000 a year.
At the same time, they take $563 million of our taxpayer dollars."

The sale of cookies has become a matter of life and death in America today.

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