Friday, May 31, 2019

The Spirit Of 1861

"Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the
whole world that a Freeman, contending for liberty on his own ground,
is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth."
-President George Washington

"America will never be a socialist nation."
-President Donald Trump

America's First President
Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army
General George Washington

Arise Confederates! hear your country's call!
The hour is come,-the hour to do or die,
Freemen to stand, or freemen still to fall--
Say, will you fight for Southern Liberty?

By the spirit of George Washington we swear.
The yoke of slaves we'll never, never, wear!
Our father's arms base tyranny defiled,
They would not bear the reproach of slaves;
For freedom lived they, and for freedom died,
Their memory calls for freedom from their graves.

By the great God of Washington we swear,
The yoke of slaves we'll never , never, bear!
Gleams not the sword more brightly than the chain,
a nobler ornament to deck the hand?
We've borne their taunts-shall Freedom call in vain.
To unsheath the sword, and save our father-land!
By the great God of Washington we swear
The yoke of slaves we'll never, never, bear!

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land,
unto all the inhabitants thereof..."
Leviticus 25:10

The Confederate States will claim a brilliant fame,
From her arise a nation proud and free,
We'll raise her flag and vindicate her name,
Land of the free-the home of Liberty!

By the great God of truth and right we swear,
The yoke of slaves we'll never, never, bear!
Upon our graves shall dawn a brighter sun.
Our children rise to bless their natal earth;
Here shall they kneel, and, when our course is run,
Bless the fair land that gave them a free birth.
By the spirit of George Washington we swear,
The yokes of slaves we cannot, will not bear!
Author Unknown

Keep America A Free Nation
Trump/Pence  2020

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