Wednesday, July 28, 2021

On My Mind: Will God Save America If The Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs. Wade?


According to an e-mail I received this morning from Tim Wildmon,
President of the American Family Association,  Mississippi's Attorney
General Lynn Fitch has filed a brief with the Supreme Court of the
United States defending her state's ban on abortion after fifteen
weeks of pregnancy in the case of Dobbs vs. Jackson's Women's
Health Organization.

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch

"The national fever on abortion can only break when this Court returns
abortion policy to the states," Fitch wrote in the brief, stating that the "science
of the womb" has evolved so much since Roe was decided. "It is time for
the Court to set this right and return this political debate to the
political branches of government."

According to the American Family Association, "As a result of the United
States Supreme Court agreeing to hear the case this fall, it could very well
lead the Court to overturn its 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade.  For the first
time in nearly 50 years, there is great hope that the United States of America
could return to the biblical and constitutional view that unborn children
are human beings, created by God, and that the federal government
has no right to sanction their abortion."

The decision of Roe vs. Wade, which made abortion the law of the
 land, was based entirely on fraud in the first place.  The woman at
the center of the controversy, Norma McCorvey, a.k.a. "Jane Roe"
was a single mother who was pregnant with her third child. 
 Under Texas law at the time, it was illegal for her to obtain an abortion.

  Although she was used to promote the false argument which secured
the passage of Roe vs. Wade,  McCorvey never had an abortion. She
later regretted her role in the deception and became a Christian.
The landmark decision made by the Supreme Court in 1973, ruled that
the protections of the United States Constitution should extend to protect a
woman's right to abort her unborn child without excessive government
restriction.  The court's decision struck down many federal and
state laws in place to protect both the mother and the child from
the harm of an illegal abortion procedure.  

When the court legalized infanticide on January 22, 1973
I believe that America the Beautiful, became America the Cursed.
The justices not only denied the unalienable right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness to the unborn, but imposed a
death sentence on the very likeness and image of God Himself.

"God said, Let us (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make mankind
in Our image and after Our likeness..."
(Genesis 1:26)

Since 1973, the moral climate of our society has declined rapidly,
 resulting in what the late conservative legal scholar Robert Bork 
aptly described in his book, "Slouching Towards Gomorrah"  
as: "A nation in such serious moral trouble that its very
foundation is crumbling: a nation that slouches not
towards the Bethlehem envisioned by the poet Yeats
in 1919, but towards Gomorrah."

An unborn child at fifteen weeks.

Although I pray daily for my nation and our leaders, I know in my
heart that the only person who can save us now is God.  But will He?
Or, will the greatest nation on the face of the earth soon be swept into
 the dustbin of history along with the rest of the once mighty world empires?

If the US Supreme Court should overturned Roe vs. Wade, long considered 
 an impossibility by many, would God have mercy on America one last time?

Would He then drive the wicked from the high places of power
and restore our government with men and women of integrity,
those who, without compulsion, would humbly get down on their knees in
both chambers of our government and in the White House, to beseech the Lord
 for His forgiveness and mercy on behalf of the nation?

In the natural this seems impossible.

But with God all things are possible.

Keep praying!

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