Friday, September 8, 2023

On My Mind: ...And Justice...For All?


On August 29, 2023 a jury in the nation's capital found pro-life activists Lauren Handy,
Will Goodman, Heather Idoni, John Hinshaw and Herb Geraghty guilty of violating
 the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances or the FACE Act, as well as "conspiracy 
against rights" of the women they were attempting to counsel inside the
controversial Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington DC.

Each of the convicted face up to 11 years in prison for violation of the FACE Act
and fines up to $350,000 for staging a traditional rescue at the clinic in October 2020,
which involved the activists physically entering the abortion clinic and refusing to
leave in an effort to convince women to choose life for their unborn children.

After their trial, the five pro-life activists were immediately incarcerated and will
receive their sentences at a later date.  While many pro-life organizations are outraged 
by the guilty verdict, these five well-meaning individuals did in fact enter the clinic
and were in violation of the FACE Act, which prohibits their behavior under a
federal law of the United States.  The injustice in this situation is in the fact that 
the "FACE Act" protects those inside the clinic who are violating the human rights
  of unborn children while punishing these five heroes who tried to protect them,
with their bold attempt to counsel and pray with the women seeking abortions.

"This conviction is blatant abuse of political power meant to intimidate pro-life
voices.  It is an embarrassment to our judicial system," said Penny Nance,
CEO and President of Concerned Women for America. These five, sincere
pro-life protestors have been the target of a malicious prosecution by the
U.S. Department of Justice which promotes a dangerous view of
pro-life activists as criminals. This is why recent internal memos
classified faithful Catholics as "violent extremists". This sort of
unconstitutional actions against citizens should be decried by
all of us, regardless of political ideology.  It is immoral and unjust."

This past spring, freshman Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (R-Florida)
confronted D.C. authorities with photos and facts concerning the D.C. Five-
 five full term babies -whose mangled remains came from the Washington
   Surgi-Clinic.  A visibly shaken Rep. Luna described the horrible condition
   in which the dead infants were found and she demanded that the man
  responsible, abortionist Cesare Santangelo, who works at the
Washington Surgi-Clinic, have his medical license revoked.

According to an April 10, 2023 article in the Daily Caller:

"The five babies were potential victims of partial birth abortions or
were actually born alive during an abortion.  One poor child was still
in their amniotic sac and left to drown in their own fluid."

Immediately following this gruesome discovery, Republican lawmakers
called for an investigation into the dangerous practices going on inside
the Washington Surgi-Clinic.  They also accused Cesare Santangelo,
who admitted on video that if an abortion in his clinic resulted in
a live birth, "we would not help it" of directly breaking the law.
( The Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003)

Santangelo has been accused of malpractice and is currently the subject
of two open lawsuits for botched abortions.  One of his victims died 
 when fetal debris entered her bloodstream and lodged in her lungs. 

And yet, as I write this post today, this "doctor" is still legally
practicing "reproductive healthcare" inside the Washington Surgi-Clinic.

What is the difference between what this man has done and is doing
and the Nazi soldiers who use to snatch little Jewish babies from their
mothers' arms and toss them into the air for target practice? 
 Or burn them alive inside the ovens at Auschwitz?

Unfortunately, Santangelo and others like him are protected by 
politicians like Nancy Pelosi (D-California) who once tweeted:
"Democrats believe everyone deserves freedom to access reproductive
health services-without fear of violence, intimidation, or harassment."

"Everyone deserves freedom...without fear or violence"...accept  the unborn child.

Abortion is not, nor should ever be viewed as "reproductive healthcare".
Abortion is the willful and deliberate taking of human life.
What Pelosi calls "freedom" God calls murder.

"Keep very far from a false matter (e.g. "reproductive healthcare, abortion")
and be very careful not to condemn to death the innocent (the unborn)
and the righteous (the Constitutional freedom of the five defendants) for
I will not justify and acquit the wicked (the entire abortion industry
and all those who protect this evil and finance its operations.)"
(Exodus 23:7)

May God bless and protect Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, Heather Idoni,
John Hinshaw and Herb Geraghty, and all those who stand in 
defense of the sanctity of human life.

I often end posts like this one with a prayer for God to continue to
have mercy on America.  And yet, I have to ask myself:

How long will God continue to have mercy on America?

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