Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Number Of Weeks Is Much More Important?


"As you know not what is the way of the wind, or how the spirit
comes to the bones in the womb of a pregnant woman, even so
you know not the work of God, Who does all."
(Ecclesiastes 11:5)

Image courtesy/Freepik

According to an article I read this morning in The Washington Stand,
pro-life advocates are troubled over the recent comments made by
former President Donald Trump in which he proposed bringing
'a peaceful resolution' between the pro-life movement and the
abortion industry in this nation if re-elected in 2024.

According to the article, Mr. Trump told Kristen Welker, host of the
NBC Sunday morning program, "Meet The Press":  "I would sit down
 with both sides, and I'd negotiate something, and we'll end up with peace
on that issue for the first time in 52 years."

When Welker pointedly asked whether he will sign national legislation
protecting unborn children from abortion beginning at 15 weeks,
Trump's glib response was, "I'm not going to say I would or I wouldn't."

It looks to me as if the former president, who once strongly and
 firmly asserted his role in the federal protection of unborn children,
has now become a reticent fence-sitter in this most heart-wrenching
 and controversial debate in the history of America.

When asked if he would leave abortion to the states to decide,
Trump replied, "No, I don't think you should be allowed to have
abortions well into the pregnancy."  However, he added, "I
think it's probably better to make it a state issue.  I can
live with it either way since the number of weeks is
much more important."

"...the number of weeks is much more important?"

Unfortunately, Mr. President, there is much more involved here than "the
number of weeks."  God is very clear in His Word that He overshadows
 the mysterious undertaking of development inside a mother's womb
between the time of conception and birth.

"For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in 
my mother's womb.  I will confess and praise You for You are fearful
and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth!  Wonderful are
Your works, and that my inner self knows right well.   My frame was
not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret and intricately
and curiously wrought, as if embroidered with various colors, in
the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance,
and in Your book all the days of my life were written before
ever they took shape, when yet there was none of them."
(Psalm 139:13-16)

     Trump's appearance on "Meet The Press" came just hours after his attendance at 
the 2023 Pray Vote Stand Summit in Washington DC where he promoted himself
as "the most pro-life president in American history."  Now, many pro-life
voters are questioning his proposal made on national television to
 bring the two opposing forces on the abortion issue together in
attempts to "negotiate" a compromise between them.

This ongoing battle is not about politics, Mr. President.  Nor is it a
popularity contest.  This about preserving the sanctity of human life.
    This is about protecting human beings made in the likeness
 and image of their Creator.  

 Trump's preposterous suggestion of a "peace" between these two
strongly opposing factions would not only be a waste of time, but
in the case of the abortion industry and its advocates, would
be akin to throwing pearls before swine.

The pro-death alliance in America is driven by a satanic militancy, 
an industry so blinded by profound greed and selfishness, not
to mention the worship of filthy lucre, which they receive for
the cold-blooded murders of innocent life inside the womb,
and in the mutilation of women who feel, or have been
falsely led to believe, that they have no alternative
than to have an abortion.

Meanwhile, there are politicians on both sides of the aisle
whom seek to placate and protect the abortion industry
which they call, "reproductive rights" or simply,
"a woman's right to control her own body."

We live in a society in which a woman can walk into an abortion
 clinic and exercise her "right to control her own body" by terminating
the life of her unborn child, and yet, if this same  woman was to choose to rob
a convenience store and shoots and kills the clerk behind the counter in
 the process, she is charged with murder and will
 be sent to prison for many years.  

There are political leaders who claim to be against abortion,
with the exceptions of rape and incest.  So, if a woman is raped
and becomes pregnant as a result,  should she then subject herself to
 being assaulted once again, possibly mutilated, by having an abortion?
Will the pain of being sexually assaulted and humiliated somehow
 be assuaged once she aborts her child?  

What if there were alternatives to Planned Parenthood clinics,
places where she could go to receive care and counseling throughout
her unwanted pregnancy?  Why can't Congress come up with enough
funds to support pregnancy crisis centers where the whole woman
is treated with love and respect, and where she might just
realize that she wants to keep her baby despite the adverse
circumstances which brought him or her into the world? 

According to research from the Guttmacher Institute, only one
percent of all abortions involve rape, and less than half
 a percent are a result of incest.  

As Ryan Bomberger,  founder of The Radiance Foundation, said,
"It's 'inarticulate' to fail to be decisive about why every
 human life matters and should be protected. " 

 Meanwhile, Pam Stenzel, a pro-life advocate
and abstinence educational speaker had this to say:
"I don't believe I deserve the death penalty because of the
crime of my biological father."

Both Ryan Bomberger and Pam Stenzel were conceived in rape.

President Trump's remarks about Governor Ron DeSantis, his chief challenger
 in the 2024 presidential race, were equally disturbing to many pro-life voters,
after he called the governor's signing of  The Heartbeat Protection Act
"a terrible thing and a terrible mistake".  Why would the self-proclaimed,
"most pro-life president in America" make such a charge?

Trump seems to be particularly targeting DeSantis for enacting this
historic legislation to transform the state of Florida into a sanctuary
state where the dignity of human life is respected, and protected.

But is this the real reason behind the "war of words" between Donald Trump
and  Ron DeSantis these days?

Perhaps it was the governor's own heartfelt words that convicted Trump's
heart at the 2023 Stand Pray Vote Summit when DeSantis told his audience,
 "to be a strong leader, one has to put on the full armor of God."

"I don't know how you could be a leader without having faith in God,"
DeSantis said,  "It is faith in God that gives you the strength to
  stand firm against the lies, against the deceit, against the opposition."

If anyone should know how the lies and deceit of the opposition 
seek to destroy someone it should be Donald Trump. I have never
in my lifetime witnessed such terrible and unjust persecution
lobbied at a former sitting President of the United States.

But perhaps the reproving words spoken by his opponent
for the White House has made Donald Trump realize, albeit
grudgingly, that one can never compromise with God.

You either stand up for what is right or you don't stand up at all.

President Trump's indecision on the abortion issue brings to mind 
  the story about a group of people who died and entered eternity, 
where they encountered a fence separating Heaven and Hell. 

 Every member of this group eagerly skirted around the fence and
entered Heaven, except  for one older gentleman who rested against it,
apparently undecided about where he should go.

   After a while, the devil came strolling out of Hell and up to the fence.

 The devil asked the man, "Why are you standing here?

The old man answered, "Well, I am having a hard time making
up my mind about which side of the fence I should be on."

The devil then smiled at him and replied, "Well, that's okay. 
 After all, you have a right to make up your own mind. 
But just so you know, I own the fence."

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