Thursday, August 15, 2019

Israel Heard'em Knocking But They Can't Come In

"Keep not silence, O God, hold not Your peace,
or be still, O God.
For, behold, Your enemies are in tumult, and those
who hate You have raised their heads.
Psalm 83:1-2

Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota)
have been banned from visiting Israel by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Why would these two vile women, who have insulted Jewish people worldwide,
 who have accused American lawmakers which support the nation and people of Israel
of being bought off, and whom both are vocal supporters of the BDS Movement
against products and services from Israel want to visit there in the first place?

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government officially
 announced yesterday it's decision to deny Congresswomen Tlaib
and Omar from entering their nation.

The prime minister later tweeted: "There is no country in the world
that respects the US and the US Congress more than the State of Israel.
As a vibrant and free democracy, Israel is open to any critic or
criticism, with one exception: Israel's law prohibits the entry
of people who call and operate to boycott Israel."
Congressmen Tlaib and Omar are leading activists in promoting
boycott legislation against Israel in the US Congress. Only a few days ago,
we received their visitation plan, and it became clear that they were
planning a campaign whose sole purpose was to strengthen the
boycott and negate Israel's legitimacy.
For example, they defined their visit destination as "Palestine" rather
than "Israel" and unlike all Democratic and Republican congressmen to date,
they have avoided seeking any meeting with an official Israeli in both
the government and the opposition."

Meanwhile, President Trump also rightly stated that allowing
these two troublemakers to visit Israel, "would show great weakness."

"They hate Israel and all Jewish people," said the President. "There is
nothing that can be said or done to change their minds."   

Only weeks ago in June Representative Omar proposed Pro-BDS resolution
within the US House of Representatives.  According to The Jerusalem Post:
"Omar's by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and
Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), seeks to oppose "unconstitutional legislative
efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad,
and urges Congress, States, and civil rights leaders from all communities
to endeavor to preserve the freedom of advocacy for all the opposing
anti-boycott resolutions and legislation."
While the resolution does not mention the acronym, BDS, The Post article
stated, it seems clear that this was a response to an anti-BDS resolution."

Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib need to be removed from our government as well.
Omar claims, "I speak for every Muslim in this country."
On the contrary, Ms. Omar, you are a liar and you do not represent
any decent and law-abiding Muslim citizen living in America.
Whom you speak for is every Islamic jihadist planted within our country.
You are not a true American and neither is Ms. Tlaib. Neither of you ever were.

A true and loyal American citizen, whether they were born here, or if they
came here legally, believes in America and in freedom and respects our laws.
Especially those which grant life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to
every law-abiding legal citizen.

Islamic Sharia Law which you, Ms. Omar, would like to see implemented
in the United States of America has never done anything but murder innocent
people or enslave them and their nations over the many centuries of its existence.

I believe all Americans who want to find out the truth about Islamic Sharia Law
should read the books, "The Rage and The Pride" and "The Force of Reason"
by the late Italian journalist, Oriana Fallaci.  In fact, I believe these books
should be required reading for every American citizen concerned 
with the preservation of not only their personal freedom, but the
freedom of generations of Americans to come.

Everything which Oriana wrote to warn the people of Europe
concerning the encroachment of Islam on that continent has now 
become a reality there.  This is why sections of the once great
metropolises of Christianity-based western civilization like
London, England and Paris, France today resemble cities in the Middle East.

Islamists have now set their sights on America, but what angers me
the most are the ignorant, greedy, and deliberately blind members of both
houses of our government who refuse to reprimand you, Ms. Omar,
and you, Ms. Tlaib  for your hateful statements and reprehensible 
behavior and not doing all Americans a big favor and kicking
you both out to the curb along with the rest of the trash.

Both of you were only going to "Palestine" to see what you call,
 "the occupation" of the land by Israel.

Here's the 411 girls:

The land belongs to the people of Israel.  The land was bequeathed to them
by Almighty God, Yahweh, the one true God, and speaking through
His prophet, Amos, the Lord has declared:

"And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall be
no more torn up out of their land which I gave them,
says the Lord your God."
Amos 9:15

When you come against the nation and people of Israel,
you are coming against God Himself.

By the way, Ms. Omar, have you ever heard of the Islamic terror group
called, al-Shabab?  I have. They are just one of many groups of murderous
thugs which occupy a lawless land, one that is not too far away from Israel.
al-Shabab has been mercilessly hunting down, persecuting, and killing
many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who must reside in
this lawless land, which, Ms.Omar, is none other than your own
rogue homeland of Somalia.  

According to the website RNS (Religious News Service)
 in recent years the situation for Christians  living in
 the Horn of Africa has worsened, as illustrated by
 killings shared on social media.  In the region
under the control of al-Shabab, the militants hunt for Christians.

These militants, according to RNS, adhere to the doctrine of Wahhabism.
 This is the most orthodox sect of Islam and holds an extreme view
of Islamic Sharia Law.

   Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers  who murdered thousands
of American citizens and others on September 11, 2001
were practicing Wahhabists.

As evidenced in the following video from CBN (Christian
Broadcasting Network) the militants in places like Somalia 
are relentless in their horrific persecution of Christians there.

Christians under attack in Somalia

It seems to me that you might possibly redeem yourself
Ms. Omar, by starting a boycott against al-Shabab and the
other terrorist groups wreaking havoc against innocent
men, women, and children in Somalia and other places
in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia today.
May be Ms. Tlaib could second the motion?

Maybe...but I sincerely doubt it.

Update: Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) recently

approved Rashida Tliaib's request to visit her Palestinian grandmother.
In making her request the Congresswoman promised to respect Israeli laws
 and not promote any boycotts against Israel during her visit there.
  I am not totally convinced of Tlaib's  sincerity. 
 I have read some earlier news reports  which claim that
   she initially rebuffed Israel's offer allowing her to visit.
 President Trump has accused Tlaib of grandstanding
about this proposed, "visit to see her Palestinian grandmother".  
He may be right.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see
what happens in this situation.

Update II:  Tlaib has now turned down Israel's offer to
visit her grandmother.  She recently tweeted: "Silencing me
and treating me like a criminal is not what she (her grandmother)
wants for me. It would kill a piece of me. I have decided that
visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions
stands against everything I believe in-fighting racism,
oppression, and injustice."

President Trump was right on the money.  This deceitful woman
was only grandstanding to make herself out to be the "victim"
of Israeli "oppression" and being "bullied" by President Trump.
Hey, if you can't roll with the punches you better exit the ring!
The only person you have to blame in this unfortunate 
situation Ms. Tlaib is yourself!

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