Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tracking The "Child Of The Sea"

It's the peak of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which almost always seems to
occur right before or right after Labor Day weekend in the United States.
At this moment, weather forecasters are tracking the progress of a
storm called "Dorian" a name derived from the Greek word, "Dorios" 
 and which means,"Child of the Sea". 

 As these powerful storms are born and sustained over warm ocean water
  could there be a more fitting name for a hurricane?

A satellite view of Hurricane Dorian

Hurricanes are definitely unpredictable storms and although I live
thousands of miles away from where Dorian is this morning, my home
is on the East Coast of the United States. Just because we have not
had a direct hit from one of these tropical storms in my area for
many years now, I believe bad weather, like bad history, 
can and often does repeat itself!  I can still remember when
Hurricane Camille struck the southeastern Gulf Coast in
the August of 1969.  Although I live over a thousand miles 
 to the north of where the storm initially made landfall,
 I remember the heavy rain showers we had along our
  own coastline-the remnants- from this storm, one of
the most devastating hurricanes to ever hit the United States.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Hurricane Camille.
She, like Dorian, was considered a small storm too.
But also like Dorian, her track remained unpredictable.
So please, if you are living in an area of the country
that may soon comes under a Hurricane Watch or Warning,
get prepared and be ready to evacuate if it is deemed
 necessary by your state and local officials!
Don't wait till it's too late!

The following film documents the shocking catastrophic destruction
caused by Hurricane Camille when the storm struck the southeastern
Gulf Coast in August, 1969.  Although hundreds of lives were lost in
this storm, thousands more were saved because they listened to the
warnings and left the area in the storm's path when they had the chance.

"A Lady Called Camille"
US Office of Civil Defense Film
Bright Enlightenment 
(March 28, 2013)


  1. This is GREAT! Thank you for posting this and sharing it with me.
