Friday, August 21, 2020

On My Mind: For Their Sake I Will Not Hold My Peace

Presidential hopeful and former Vice President Joe Biden recently made a
statement that the three major world religions-Judaism, Christianity, and Islam-
are based on the same root system.  In other words, he said that all three religions
believe in the same God.  He is wrong. 

While Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was a prophet and a great teacher,
they stop short in acknowledging that He is the Son of God. An inscription on
the wall of the Dome of the Rock, the iconic, golden-topped mosque on the
Jerusalem skyline, translated from Arabic reads, "God has no need for a Son."
Muslims further do not acknowledge that Christ was crucified on the cross,
and they believe that salvation comes only through a person's good works.

The premier Islamic apologist of the 21st century, former President Barack Obama
knew, when he stood at the UN in 2012 and declared, "The future must not belong 
to those who slander the prophet of Islam" that the presence of Christians are
not tolerated in an Islamic society.  That their very existence in this world
 "slanders" the prophet of Islam.

Christian children in Nigeria

In the African nation of Nigeria, believers in Christ are routinely
attacked and murdered and their villages are burned to the ground by
Islamic terror groups like Boko Haram and the al Qaeda-linked group
Jamaat al Ansar al Muslimeen fi Bilad al Sudan.

In the Asian nation of the Philippines, the Islamic terror group,
Aby Sayyaf has become a growing menace to Christians living there.
Furthermore, it was the Yemen-based group Qasim al-Raymi which
directed Saudi jihadist Mohammad Saeed Alshamrani to carry out
his deadly attack on the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida 
last December here in America, where politicians like Obama and
Biden, and even former President George W. Bush have lectured us
on the importance of maintaining " a more tolerant society" while
espousing Islam as "the religion of peace."

Truth be told,  most American politicians are ignorant about the
true nature of Islam.  And what's more, they really don't care.
As long as they can get re-elected to public office, some of them
will feign ignorance and claim to tolerate anyone, even people
whose core ideology declares that if you refuse to convert to
their religion, they have the right to kill you.

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