Saturday, August 1, 2020

Saturday Commentary: A Sense of Character

"The upright out of the good treasure stored in their heart
produces what is honorable and intrinsically good, and the evil person
out of the evil storehouse brings forth that which is depraved,
wicked and intrinsically evil; for out of the abundance of
the heart, their mouth speaks."
Luke 6:45

Dr. Ben Carson and then candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign

For almost four years now, the Democrats and their Republican conspirators
across the political aisle have schemed to destroy President Trump.
They have refused to work with him and tried to obstruct his plans to
restore America, not just economically, but, in his efforts to bring all
Americans together in a spirit of patriotism and healthy sense of pride
in themselves and in our nation's unique 244 year history.

President Trump has also sought to keep us safe from our enemies
both foreign and domestic, by building a much needed border wall.

And yet, it has been primarily those "domestic enemies" a.k.a. the Democrats,
and their paid lackeys in the duplicitous national news media, whom have twisted
the narrative and have even dared to compare our president to the likes of
Adolf Hitler, likening Mr. Trump's  campaign to "Make America Great Again" 
to Nazism and white supremacy.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's
recent snide remark, calling the COVID-19 pandemic, "The Trump Virus"
 just adds to the sick and disgusting mentality of her party.

"...for out of the abundance of the heart, their mouths speak..."

President Trump is not perfect.  No human being is!  The only Man
Who walked on this earth and Whom was perfect was crucified on a cross.
Furthermore, although President Trump is not the most eloquent of
speakers, he manages to get his point across to his listeners, and
unlike the typical blowhard politician, which he is not, he says what he means.

Although I originally supported Dr. Ben Carson for president in 2016,
an incident involving both he and Donald Trump made me change my mind.
During the 2016 campaign, on a night of one of the televised debates, the
news media moderators, in their anxious and vindictive quest to get at
Donald Trump, totally ignored introducing the man in line ahead of him
who was ready to walk out on the stage.  That man was Dr. Carson.

When Mr. Trump was announced he walked out on the stage and immediately
after taking his place at the podium, chided the moderators for ignoring 
"the great man" ahead of him.  Not only did this impress Dr. Carson,
but I believe this says a lot about the true character of the man that
the media and the Democrats love to hate.

"...for out of the abundance of the heart, their mouth speaks..."

When he later bowed out of the race, Dr. Carson told his supporters
to vote for Donald Trump.  I am not sorry I did!
Furthermore, I will vote for Donald Trump again in November!

"...for out of the abundance of the heart, their mouth speaks..."

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