Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Battle For The Soul Of America Is Far From Over


"Transgression like an oracle speaks to the wicked deep in his heart.
There is no fear or dread of God before his eyes."
Psalm 36:1

It is the Zero Hour in the United States of America. 
 For many years now, America has withstood assaults from purveyors of both human and satanic evil masquerading as  "angels of light" whom are deceiving millions of spiritually blinded people both here and around the world. 

"For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers' minds that they
should not discern the truth, preventing them from seeing the illuminating light
of the Gospel of the glory of Christ the Messiah, 
Who is the Image and Likeness of God."
11 Corinthians 4:4

Promoting a false message of global unity through climate change and 'equality for the masses' with the rise of atheistic Democratic Socialism within our society the New World Order crowd is actively seeking to take down and destroy the most powerful nation on earth by engaging in a highly orchestrated, internal race war in America,  primarily between white and non-white people.

The NWO and their minions in our government and especially through those human bullhorns called the mainstream media, are also running another war.  This one specifically targets the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. A typical example of this discrimination was exposed in a recent story from the Associated Press entitled,  
"White Evangelicals Again Back Trump".

While the story purports to relay the election results of religious Americans,  the headline speaks for itself.  Why is it that only "white evangelicals" again backed Trump?  How do the pollsters quoted in this article really know the ethnicity or skin color of the many evangelicals, or Bible-believing Christians who voted to re-elect President Trump?  Truth be told, they don't. 

 This is typical of the media's vicious ongoing campaign to discredit, or in 21st century lexical terms, evoke "cancel culture" against millions of responsible, hard-working, tax paying Americans for simply putting their hope and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and obeying God's Word.  This sounds a lot like the policies of Nazi Germany all over again. That time the Jews were targeted for persecution. This time it is the Christians.  But here in lies the twist.

Jesus Himself told us that not all religious people are Godly people.
The word, "Christian" as defined in our society today holds many negative
connotations.  Whom the news media is really targeting are the remnant,
 rising from the ashes of organized religion on this soil to bring the 
 powerful, soul saving message of the Gospel to lost and hurting people.

 These ordinary men and women are emerging from the disintegration of Protestantism, Catholicism and Non-Denominational "churches".   These are the true wheat of the final harvest, being separated from the tares to be an assembly called forth by the Holy Spirit for their love and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, and their unshakable faith in the finished work of the Cross.

"For I passed on to you first of all what I also had received, that Christ,
the Messiah, the Anointed One died for our sins in accordance with 
what the Scriptures foretold.  That He was buried, that He arose on the
third day as the Scriptures foretold."
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

The only wall between myself, a believer in Jesus Christ, and the unwashed sinners of this world, is the pure soul-cleansing blood my Lord shed for me on the cross. This is why it is particularly galling to me to read about prominent Christians leaders in America who discouraged their listeners from voting for President Trump.  They have concluded in their own minds that his often abrupt mannerism cannot possibly be that of a true believer.  Really?  Did these people ever stop to consider that God chose  Donald Trump to lead our nation at this time in history actually due to the abrasive qualities in his character? 

 God needed someone not only tough enough to withstand the 
 often cruel and unjustified barrage of slings and arrows launched at him by his enemies, which our president has managed brilliantly (I believe a man with lesser intestinal fortitude would have given up by now) but, someone relentless in his efforts to wear down the opposition.  We've clearly seen what hides just
below the surface of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's smiles. She's
the self-proclaimed, "good Catholic" who believes it is perfectly normal
to murder babies right up until the time they are born. So does Joe Biden.
The evil spirit of Moloch is alive and well and functioning through
these two "good Catholics" who want to rule over us.

Abortion on demand is one of the reasons why the Left fears and
hates Donald Trump.  I believe he is God's instrument which will eventually
overturn Roe vs. Wade and release America from the spiritual curse we
have suffered under since it's passage in 1973.

Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ need to stand and deliver in this
crucial time for our nation.  We need to cover President Trump, his family,
and all those working on behalf of the American people in our government,
and elsewhere in this nation in prayer.  We need to speak the powerful saving message of the Gospel with boldness as well as love and concern to those who are lost and hurting. Although I know God is very much in control of everything, the days ahead are going to be rough.  

The battle for the soul of America is far from over.

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