Saturday, September 4, 2021

On My Mind: America Whom Will You Choose?

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways," says the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8

"Balanced Budget" has never been a popular term with Congress, and 
especially when the "tax and spend" Democrats hold the majority of power
in both houses.  Before any of these trillion dollar spending bills are signed,
the members of our government better think long and hard about the
recent and unprecedented disasters which have plagued our nation,
effecting millions of people from coast to coast.

There are the wildfires raging out of control in California, the
devastation left behind in Louisiana from Hurricane Ida, the horrible
flooding in Tennessee, and more recently, in my state of New Jersey
a very large and powerful tornado which passed through my
hometown this past Wednesday.

I have lived in southern New Jersey all my life and I have never seen
a storm like the one which swept by less than a mile from my home.
I thank God that no one in our town was killed or seriously injured in the storm.

The scattering of debris had barely settled when radicals in the government
blamed that storm, plus the tornado across the Delaware River in eastern
Pennsylvania, as well as the catastrophic flooding there, and also in
northern New Jersey, on "global warming" which is ridiculous.

The tornados and the floods were remnants of a very powerful hurricane
which held her form while traveling  thousands of miles in land after she
made landfall.  All of these ongoing disasters, as well as recent events
in our nation and the world seem to be sending a message-
at least to those who are paying attention.

America now has the most immoral and Godless government in our
nation's history.  We have a Deep State puppet in the Oval Office who
can't even string two words together to make a sentence, and who
misquotes the Scriptures for appearance's sake.

"President" Joe Biden could care less about the service of our men
and women in the Armed Forces, or American citizens still stranded in
Afghanistan, where he has apparently given his tacit support to the
Taliban's merciless campaign to persecute and murder Christians there.

Okay, so he did fly down to Louisiana to survey the damage from Hurricane Ida,
but, he seems far more concerned about how to engineer the defeat of Texas'
new abortion law-designed to save precious human life-than he does about
restoring electricity and rebuilding homes and businesses
 for citizens living amid utter devastation.

I think America's present day situation can be compare to that of
ancient Israel in the Bible.  Every time Israel turned its back on God to
follow after the gods of the nations surrounding them, or to worship idols
of their own making, the Lord quietly withdrew from the land.

But with Him went His provision, and more importantly, His protection.

The key issue here is He allowed Israel, as He does America, the freedom of
choice to follow after the gods of their neighbors, or to create idols of their
own making. And did these other "gods" or their own inferior human reasoning
protect Israel when disaster struck?  No!  Instead, the nation was eventually
taken down and forced into captivity by their enemies.

In America's case, the premier idol of our nation is lust: for power,
money, perversion, and the promotion of secular humanism, which has
drastically corrupted our society. Will we too, eventually be taken over
by our enemies due to our own choosing?

The prophet Elijah once warned his people:

"How long will you hesitate between two opinions?
If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him."

But the people of Israel did not answer so much as a word."
(1 Kings 18:21)

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