Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August Poems & Praise

"But the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the work which
His presence within accomplishes is love, joy, gladness,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness.
Against such things there is no law that can bring a charge."
Galatians 5:22-23

South Jersey Summer Peaches

An old country garden!
How great is its worth,
With vegetables planted
And flowers interspersed.

A row of tomatoes,
Beans, parsley, and peas;
Gladiola and dahlia
Among all of these.

And old country garden!
What wealth it enfolds;
'Tis food for the body
And food for the soul.
Loise Pinkerton Fritz

Country Kitchen Garden

"Then the Lord looked upon the earth,
and filled it with His blessings."
Sirach 16:27

To everything on earth there is a season,
A time for every purpose under the sun.
From the beginning of life's journey to the finish,
We run the race until our days are done.
There is a time for weeping and for laughter,
A time for mourning and a time to dance.
Every favor, every blessing we're receiving
Is a gift of God; it happens not by chance.
For our God, in never failing mercy,
Watches over us from day to dawning day.
In His hands He holds life's changing seasons
As time continues on without delay.
Regina Wiencek

Ocean Breeze
Victor Bauer

"Let the sea and what fills it resound;
let the plains rejoice and all that
is in them!
1 Chronicles 16:32

A unique collection of shells on the beach

Each day God sends us messages
For every eye to see;
For every sunrise and sunset
Proclaims His majesty.

At dawn He puts the stars to sleep
As sunlight streaks the skies
With a rainbow of colors,
As the sun begins to rise.

God paints each lovely picture
On His canvas above
And each one's an original
signed and sealed with love.

Then as the day grows weary,
He knows we need our rest
So He paints a vivid sunset
Each evening in the West.

Sometimes the clouds are silver-lined
Against a sea of flame,
But some are etched in living gold
And no two are the same.

Each day God sends us messages
Across the skies above
As the Lord of the horizon
Assures us of His love!
Clay Harrison

Breathtaking Sunset in Oklahoma

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