Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Eternal Flame

"For it is the Lord our God Who brought us
and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt,
from the house of bondage, Who did those great
signs in our sight and preserved us in all the way
that we went and among all the peoples
through whom we passed.
Joshua 24:17

The Mayflower at Sea
Gilbert Margeson


It was a small band, but sturdy,
And the hearts of all beat high.
Behind them lay the dangerous sea,
Above them alien sky.

No chart could tell them where to go,
No sage forecast their fate,
But destiny of great omen
Upon these souls did wait.

The guidance of an unseen hand
Was ever at ship's head.
A force protected them as on
The fragile Mayflower sped.

For in their souls these Pilgrims bore
A light that must not die,
The light of freedom, light of faith,
The light from out the sky.

For faith they left their English homes,
For God they sailed the sea,
For all they held most dear they left
Their ancient legacy.

Through countless years undying fame
Shall be the Pilgrims' share.
Forever shall their deeds be told!
Their name forever fair!

 The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers
Charles Lucy

"Eternal Flame"
From "The Giant Thanksgiving Book"
By Lenore Hetrick

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