Sunday, November 19, 2017

Third Sunday Meditation: "Things That Are Not Now, Nor Could Be, Soon Shall Be Our Own."

"But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were so
 far away, by the blood of Christ have been brought near."
Ephesians 2:13

Peace In The Valley
Abraham Hunter

Psalm 100

A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come before His presence with singing!
Know that the Lord is God!
It is He Who has made us, not we ourselves!
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and
a thank offering and into His courts with praise!
Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and 
affectionately praise His name!
For the Lord is good;
His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting;
His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.

Come Unto Me
Abraham Hunter

"For it is by free grace, God's unmerited favor,
that you are saved, delivered from judgment and made 
partakers of Christ's salvation through your faith.
And this salvation is not of yourselves, of your 
own doing, it came not through your own striving,
but it is the gift of God.

Not because of works, not the fulfillment of the
Law's demands, lest any man should boast.
It is not the result of what anyone can possibly do,
so no one can pride himself in it or take
glory to himself.

For we are God's own handiwork, His workmanship,
recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew, that we may do
those good works which God predestined for us,
taking paths which He prepared ahead of time,
that we should walk in them, living the good life
which He prearranged and made ready for us to live."
Ephesians 2:8-10

God Shed His Grace
Abraham Hunter

Praise the Savior, ye who know Him!
Who can tell how much we owe Him?
Gladly let us render to Him
All we are and have.

Jesus is the Name that charms us,
He for conflict fits and arms us;
Nothing moves and nothing harms us
While we trust in Him.

Trust in Him, ye saints, forever,
He is faithful, changing never;
Neither force nor guile can sever
Those He loves from Him.

Keep us, Lord, O keep us cleaving
To Thyself, and still believing,
Till the hour of our receiving
Promised joys with Thee.

Then we shall be where we would be,
Then we shall be what we should be,
Things that are not now, nor could be,
Soon shall be our own.

Light of Faith
Abraham Hunter

"Praise The Savior Ye Who Know Him"
Words by Thomas Kelly

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