Saturday, February 26, 2022

On My Mind: The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine


"Of course in the present situation the Communists have to use various disguises.
Sometimes we hear words like "popular front" at other times "dialogue with Christianity".
For Communists a dialogue with Christianity!  In the Soviet Union, this dialogue
was a simple matter: they used machine guns and revolvers."

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Image courtesy/Foreign Policy Institute

I really do not understand the whole conflict between Russia and the Ukraine,
however, I remember my great uncles, who fought in WWII, talking about how
near the end of the war, America could have taken advantage of the weaken state
of the Soviet Army and marched all the way into Moscow to liberate the
Russian people from the tyranny of Communism.

I also remember the words of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, the Romanian
pastor who spent fourteen years locked in a communist prison, and who later
founded The Voice of the Martyrs Ministries.

In his book, "Tortured For Christ" Pastor Wurmbrand said that he never
understood why, after ridding Europe of Hitler's Nazis, the Western Powers,
primarily the leaderships of America and Great Britain at the time,
allowed communist forces to overrun the nations of eastern Europe
and take possession of what later became known as "The Iron Curtain".

Pastor Wurmbrand and his wife later escaped from Romania and came
to America, where, after being ridiculed while addressing skeptical members
of Congress, he stripped to his waist to show the terrible scars on his back
from the torture he had endured during his incarceration in Romania.

When Russian novelist and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn escaped to
the West after spending years in a Soviet gulag, spoke at Columbia University
in the late 1970's his warnings to the audience about the significant parallels
he saw between the American government and the Soviet system were 
met with boos of indifference.

In his book, "Warning To The West" Solzhenitsyn observed, "All
Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless.
But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises."

Does this sound familiar to anyone paying close attention to the
current situation in America today?

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