Saturday, April 30, 2022

On My Mind: Engaging In Toxic Politics Lately?


"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."
  George Orwell

George Orwell

It seems quite obvious to me that even attempting to engage people
in civil conversation about politics these days can too often result into
a nasty, name-calling argument, particularly when one engages in dialogue
with a dyed-in-the-wool Socialist masquerading as a liberal Democrat.

I have always believed in the standard, "live and let live" in regards to people's
personal political and religious convictions, however, and as much as they try to
deny this, the political Left hates and resents anyone who dares to think
differently from them, or worse, can think for themselves!

I suppose this is the reason behind Department of Homeland Security Chief
Alejandro Mayorkas' announcement before Congress this week of the formation
of a "Disinformation Governance Board" which will purportedly serve to ensure
secure and fair elections, and according to The New American Magazine, "will
prevent misinformation from being used ahead of the upcoming mid-term elections."

Mayorkas further stated that the board will use, "the weight of the DHS to fight
misinformation" but promises to protect free speech, privacy, and civil rights.

This announcement immediately raised a red flag in my mind, coming so
quickly on the heels of business magnate Elon Musk's recent successful
takeover of Twitter.  He (Musk) has promised to protect the free speech
of people who use this social media venue, and this includes guarding 
 the First Amendment rights of political conservatives and evangelical,
or Bible-believing Christians.

When I read about this "Disinformation Governance Board" my mind
immediately harkened back to my high school days when I read 
George Orwell's "1984".   What the DHS Chief is proposing sounds
very much like the "Ministry of Truth" in that novel, a government
bureau which controlled both the thoughts and the speech of the people.
You could speak your mind, but only if you towed and spoke 
the totalitarian party line!

From Day One Usurper Biden and his NWO minions working behind
the scenes, have been very busy trashing the constitutional rights of all
Americans.  We are already dealing with unlawful surveillance via the
FBI showing up on people's doorsteps like a modern day Gestapo,
historical revisionism, and massive thought control primarily 
through mainstream media propaganda.  Could this congruously
named, "Disinformation Governance Board" be far behind?

I would end this post with a plea for Congress to get involved
and do something, however, with the exception of a very few members
of our legislature whom can genuinely be called public servants,
the rest seem to be either compromised by something which prevents
them from taking action, or they are obviously compliant with these
great changes sweeping like an uncontrolled wildfire across our land.

However, and though the hour is late, I still believe that God has a
plan and a purpose for America.  May He continue to shed His mercy,
strength, and grace on the people of this nation.

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people
 He has chosen for His inheritance."
(Psalm 33:12)

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