Sunday, March 12, 2017

We Are Not Alone

I am currently reading the book,
 "The Day After Roswell" 
by Colonel Philip J. Corso.
 In this book, Colonel Corso,
 a former Pentagon official,
 claims that the famous incident
 of an alien crash at Roswell, New Mexico
 in 1947 is not only true,
 but reveals that a shadow government
 within the federal government 
has existed for years,
 regardless of what political party
 is in power in Washington DC. 

This secretive cabal, comprised
 of members from the four branches
 of United States military, 
and the intelligence community,
 has led an active, if covert,
 campaign of misinformation and denial
 in regards to civilian encounters with UFO's,
  primarily using the media to debunk
 the reports of sightings and alien abductions,
 while actively gathering evidence from
 these accounts in the interest of research
 and the development of alien-manufactured technology. 

Newspaper accounts of the alien crash at
Roswell, New Mexico in 1947

    According to Colonel Corso,
 this purported collection of alien data
 has led to the discovery of 
the super technology used today, 
and includes things like 
integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, 
lasers, and super-tenacity fibers. 

   In the book,
 he also described being
an eye witness of an "alien corpse" 
which had been shipped to Fort Riley Kansas
 from Roswell in  1947.

  He described the dead alien as 
" a four foot human-shaped figure with arms,
 bizarre-looking, four-fingered hands,
-I didn't see a thumb-
thin legs and feet,
 and an oversized incandescent,
 lightbulb-shaped head
 that looked like it was floating
 over a balloon gondola for a chin.
 I know I must have cringed at first,
 but then I had the urge
 to pull off the top of the liquid container
 and touch the pale gray skin.
 But I couldn't tell whether it was skin
 because it looked like a very thin
 one piece head to toe fabric
 covering the creature's flesh."

 Angels are spiritual creatures without bodies.
 I believe what Colonel Corso actually saw was 
 a fallen angel serving the kingdom of Satan. 
 And although the information gleaned
 from these ' alien beings' seems wonderful,
 I believe that, like the Watchers mentioned in Genesis,
 and the Book of Enoch, 
the high technology which defines the 21st century,
was given to inherently fallen mankind
 with the intent to distract,
to deceive, and to ultimately destroy.

The Great Deception vs. The Great Awakening

 In these last of the last days
 before the return of Messiah,
 Satan knows better than anyone else
 that he is running out of time. 
 Could it be that through a great deception
Satan will convince human beings that they
 were not created in the likeness and image
 of Elohim, the Creator,
  but are instead the descendants
 of a superior race of alien beings
 from outer space, thus 
reinforcing the belief held by many people today
 that they are actually "little gods" unto themselves,
with no need for the God of the Bible?


“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson”

Read more at:
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“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson”

Read more at:
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The name of the telescope next to the Vatican Observatory
located atop of Mt. Graham in Arizona is called, "Lucifer".
Vatican astronomers are watching the heavens 
anticipating future contacts with alien beings
from outer space.

"How can we rule out that life 
may have developed elsewhere?
 Just as we consider earthly creatures
 as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' 
why should we not talk
 about an 'extraterrestrial brother'?
 It would still be part of creation."
 Father Jose Gabriel Funes
Vatican chief astronomer

Jesus clearly warned us about the 
nature of the enemy:
"He was a murderer from the beginning 
and does not stand in truth
because there is no truth in him. 
 When he speaks a falsehood,
he speaks what is natural to him,
 for he is a liar and the
father of lies and of all that is false." 
John 8:44

"O send out Your light and Your truth,
let them lead me; let them bring me
to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling.
Then will I go to the altar of God,
to God, my exceeding joy;
yes, with my lyre will I praise You,
O God, my God!"
Psalm 43:3-4

 The remnant of the church in America
 needs to step in and step up,
 with a "Great Awakening"
 emphasizing the bold proclamation 
of the true, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led faith
 to the thousands of the disillusioned
"walking wounded" across our land,
 who desperately need to hear the message
 of hope and forgiveness,
  love and mercy, available to them
 through the Lord Jesus Christ.

In these uncertain and perilous times,
there is a great need for
 intercessors to stand for America.
Pray that our leaders will seek
the wisdom of God in their
decisions for our nation.
 Pray for a restoring of right standing with God,
 before the approaching judgement of the nations,
 when God will render either reward or punishment
 according to their treatment of
 "My people and My heritage Israel." 
 (Joel 3:1-2)


 The Valley of Jehoshaphat

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