Saturday, March 19, 2022

On My Mind: "We Must Stand With Ukraine, As They Stand For Us?"


As I have stated in an earlier post, I really do not understand
what is the real reason behind this sudden escalation between Russia
and the Ukraine.  These two nations have been arguing back and forth
for a long time now.  However, while I was doing some research online,
I found a post written in February on the website of the controversial
billionaire globalist George Soros, in which he declared:

"We  must stand with Ukraine, as they stand for us."

Image of Ukrainian and Russian flags
 Courtesy/Notre Dame News/ University of Notre Dame

I had to wonder who were the "We" in which he was referring to?
Could it be "We" as in "We the People of the United States of America"?
Or "We" as in members of the New World Order?  This conflict is none
of America's business.  And the proposal of putting our troops on the 
 ground over there would be both an unpopular and foolhardy move  
 on the part of our government.

I think perhaps that in his post, Soros was actually referring to members
of his own Open Society Foundation, which in the Ukraine is known as the
International Renaissance Foundation, headquartered in the city of Kyiy.

Since the early 1990's Soros' organization, according to their own
website, has been actively working in the Ukraine, in the interests
of promoting, "justice, democratic governance, and human rights."

In other words, this new and unprecedented "crisis" in the Ukraine,
which seems to be affecting the entire world, especially in regards to 
economically punishing big, bad, Russia, has Soros' dirty fingerprints
all over it.  Furthermore, if Soros is advocating his undying support
for Ukraine, I am sure that nation's current president,
 Volodymyr Zelenskyy knows all about it.

George Soros is the same man, who, has not only meddled in the
political/societal affairs in America for many years, but, as an impressionable
youth, helped to confiscate the property of his fellow Jews in Hungary during
 WWII, before they were sent off to their deaths in Hitler's concentration camps.

Does anyone really believe George Soros truly cares about providing the
people of Ukraine with lasting justice and freedom?  Isn't his brand of "justice,
democratic governance, and human rights" the reason why he was banned from
traveling in his own native Hungary?  And why the Hungarian government
passed "Stop Soros" laws in order to prevent financial aid from being given
to undocumented immigrants there?  Does this above-mentioned action taken
by the Hungarian government ring a bell with anyone reading this post?

This is just my own speculation, and although I am no fan of the crafty
Russian fox named Vladimir Putin, I also believe that the man is not stupid,
and, that he would not have "attacked" the Ukraine unprovoked, without
some sort of specific threat aimed at both himself and his nation, and
subsequently at thousands, perhaps millions, of lives across Russia,
eastern Europe, and the rest of the world.

Suppose prior to the invasion, Mr. Putin received intelligence reports
concerning the U.S.-operated biochemical laboratories operating across the
Russian border on Ukrainian soil, and was alerted to the frightening possibility
of one of those labs staging a Chernobyl-like "accident" only this time instead
of nuclear radiation, it would be a deadly cloud of human-manufactured
biochemicals released into the atmosphere?

Perhaps he took this threat seriously, and this is the real reason he sent
troops over the border into the Ukraine, to take control of these labs, and to
prevent a horrible and deliberately planned catastrophe from taking place.
Remember too, that as late as March 10th, our government was still
denying the existence of these labs.

What I would like to know is how many in Washington DC, other than the
usual suspects, not to mention the well-heeled movers and shakers controlling
America today, have financial ties to these biochemical labs operating in
the Ukraine?  And, if Russia was to succeed in taking control of them,
how many millions of invested US dollars would be lost?  Is this
the reason behind Senator Lindsey Graham's recent belligerent call,
after Zelenskyy's speech before Congress, that the
Russian people "should take out" Putin?

While my heart grieves for the Ukrainian people caught up in this
orchestrated mess foist upon them by greedy and evil men, I am equally
sympathetic to the Russian people, and especially the soldiers, who
have been caught on footage from cell phone cameras, helping 
Ukrainian civilians escape out of harm's way.

As we know, much of the worldwide media is contriving to
tell a far different story.  I pray that the truth will eventually 
 prevail in this ongoing and  increasingly dangerous situation.

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