Sunday, October 8, 2017

Second Sunday Meditation: Thoughts From A Sporadic Journal-Keeper

This morning I woke up thinking that I
should re-start my daily journal again...

I've always been a sporadic journal-keeper at best,
and I cannot even remember the day or the month of this
past year that I stopped jotting down my daily thoughts,
so today I am starting up all over again!

Today is the second Sunday in the month of October and
yet the weather outside reminds me of the middle of August!
It's too warm and too humid for early fall and 
 and the skies are mostly overcast.

  It was starting to rain when I woke up this morning.
We are getting the remnants of the latest hurricane called Nate,
which hit the southern Gulf Coast states last night.

This storm was smaller and faster than the monsters
which struck Texas and Florida in late August and September, namely Harvey,
and Irma. And, there is yet another unnamed disturbance out in
the Atlantic Ocean heading in this general direction.

 Hurricane Season lasts until the end of November, so
we who reside on the eastern coast of the United States are not
quite out of the woods yet in regards to these scary impending storms.

Although I am always shocked by the horrific damage and loss of life
 often left in the wake of a major hurricane, I have long been
fascinated by these powerful swirling tempests of the sea.

I am often left wondering too, if there is a spiritual significance 
 in the development of these storms. However, I do not think that the
people living on the Texas Gulf Coast, or in Florida, or in Puerto Rico,
which was not only hit head on by Hurricane Irma, but also
Hurricane Maria, a week or so ago, are any more sinful or rebellious in
the eyes of God then people here in southern New Jersey.

But again, the false prophets of the Internet are speaking of
the doom and gloom lying ahead for America. And some have indicated
that these storms, as well as the recent earthquakes in Mexico and California
are somehow part of God's wrath against us.  Really?

First of all, as I mentioned above, we are in what is traditionally
known as Hurricane Season. Furthermore, the areas hard hit by these 
recent storms have all seen their share of hurricanes before,
just as Mexico and California have experienced earthquakes in the past.

Is some sinister organization on earth actually manipulating
the weather with chem trails and cloud seeding to cause it to
rain where it does not need it and drought in places that
need regular intervals of rain?
I suppose it could be possible.

 Over the many centuries of life on earth, 
mankind has proven to be a most clever creature, and a 
master at the art of manipulation, especially when it will
benefit certain groups, while denying others, which the former have
 deemed as 'unfit to live', of their basic human rights.

What is the definition of the word, manipulation?
To manipulate means to gain control over someone,
usually in a skillful and underhanded way.
It can also mean making something appear so real
that it can and will deceive many people into
believing that it is the truth.

However, while mankind schemes and manipulates and can perhaps initiate
changing weather conditions through science and technology, which
 can and do adversely affect  and disrupt the natural environment
in certain areas of the planet,

Mankind is not the Creator.

In the 19th chapter of the Book of Isaiah, the prophet,
speaking here of Egypt, attests: "The Lord has mingled a
spirit of perverseness, error, and confusion within her;
her leaders have caused Egypt to stagger in all her doings,
as a drunken man staggers in his vomit."
Isaiah 19:14

"The Lord has mingled a
spirit of perverseness, error, and confusion within her
her leaders have caused Egypt to stagger in all her doings..."

Sound familiar?

Many Americans are living in a state of deep consternation
these days.  Many are allowing themselves to be led astray by
the carnal security found in the false gods of money, material wealth,
and technology, the latter of which is being used to
manipulate and deceive many people.

Meanwhile, the increasing climate of lawlessness across our
nation, with violent protests in the streets, the blatant disrespect
for those in authority, and more recently, the horrible,senseless shooting
incident in Las Vegas has left me wondering that perhaps
what is happening in the natural is being orchestrated by
demonic forces in the supernatural realm, working in conjunction
with the irreparably fallen nature of unsaved mankind to
destroy the most powerful nation on the earth.

America, much in the way of the condition of Egypt, as
spoken about by the prophet Isaiah, is clearly suffering "as a
drunken man staggers in his vomit."

We are in a state of chaos because we, collectively speaking
as a nation, have turned our back on God.
Regardless of the self-proclaimed high and mighty "experts"
 in the news media, in politics, and in the echelons of academia
who deny America's Judeo-Christian heritage in favor of
science, coupled with the inferior, self-centered, wisdom of man,
America's pilgrim founders forged a covenant with God,
declaring that America would be a "shining city
on a hill" for the Lord Jesus Christ.

 God does not take His covenants lightly.

And He has never wavered from being God.

"I AM WHO I AM," He told Moses.

 As He is a God of love and of mercy...

"Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord,
extend to the skies, and Your faithfulness to the clouds.
Your righteousness is like the mountains of God,
Your judgments are like the great deep, O Lord,
You preserve man and beast.
How precious is Your steadfast love, O God!
The children of men take refuge and put
their trust under the shadow of Your wings."
Psalm 36:5-7

So He also is a God of judgment and of punishment
for disobedience...

 "To Him Who divided the Red Sea into parts,
for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever;
And He made Israel to pass through the midst
of it, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever;
But shook off and overthrew Pharaoh and his hosts
into the Red Sea, for His mercy and loving-kindness
endure forever." 
Psalm 136:13-15

Aside from the established fact that He does not
interfere with free will, or the freedom to choose
between right and wrong, which He has given to all human
beings, perhaps what is happening today, or what God is
allowing to happen in our nation, is His way of getting
peoples' focus  back on Him.

How is it that it is only when we find ourselves utterly beaten
down by the storms of life and helpless that we then cry out to God
for mercy and guidance? 

No, it should not only be when we are stranded atop a roof or
in a tree amidst swirling, rising flood waters, 
or feel the ground literally shaking beneath our feet 
that we call out to God for help.

We need God to be in our lives always, in both days of
sunshine and in days of shadow.

And He is always faithful to those who honor and
who love Him.

Always patiently waiting for His beloved children
to come back to Him.

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world
that He gave up His only begotten Son, so that whoever
believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
For God did not send His Son into the world
in order to judge the world, but that the world
might find salvation and be made safe 
and sound through Him."
John 3:16-17

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