Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Dolls I Love Best

The doll that is loved
And played with a lot.
That is the doll that
Will not be forgot.

Classic Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls

You can admire your boxed dolls
Sitting neatly on the shelf
But you actually love the dolls
That you played with yourself.

The ones from your loved ones
With fond memories attached
Those are the dolls that
Stand out from the "batch".

Lovely "Life Of Faith" Doll Collection

I have many dolls
Lovely as can be
But especially dear
Are those that "speak" to me.

The ones that tug at the heartstrings
Hark back to my youth
They make me feel young
If you want the whole truth.

I love the dear ones
from mother and dad,
The memories they bring back
Make my heart glad.

The One And Only Mrs. Beasley Doll

Some are hand-made
While some are personally selected
But the dolls from my past
Are never neglected.

And while we've both grown older,
The dolls have not changed a bit.
Although I've changed a lot
If I care to admit.

I still love my dolls
Pristine in the box
But the ones I love best
Have had some hard knocks.

I dress them and dust them
And arrange them with extra care
For the memories I cherish
I say a thankful prayer.

Holly Hobbie Doll Collection

"The Dolls I Love Best"
A poem by Stephanie Strunk Baker

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