Saturday, March 6, 2021

On My Mind: "For The People Act"


According to an e-mail I recently received from my state
representative Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) the "For The People Act"
would provide "much needed comprehensive reforms to our democracy".

Before running for public office, all politicians should know and
understand that America is first and foremost, a Constitutional Republic.

Senator Booker claims that this proposed legislation, "would ensure that
more Americans are able to vote by prohibiting states from purging voter rolls
and restoring the right to vote to formerly incarcerated individuals."

States should definitely have the right to "purge" deceased citizens or
citizens no longer residing in their state from voter rolls, as well as determine
who is qualified to cast a vote and who is not, without interference
by the federal government.

Furthermore, the chance for voter fraud would be greatly reduced if
the potential voter pre-registers with their local county Board of Elections,
whether in person, or through the mail, as I did when I turned eighteen
years old, which is the legal voting age in the state of New Jersey.
I have moved at least several times since then and I always
updated my voting information with the county I live in
through the mail.  It was always easy to do since
they already had my information on file.

I am not sure whether or not formerly incarcerated individuals should
gain or re-gain the right to vote, especially if they were convicted of
something like identity theft.  Of course, this decision too should
be left up to the individual states.

Senator Booker further states, "It would also modernize voter 
registration by requiring states to make online voter registration available,
automatically register any unregistered eligible citizen, and permit voters
to register on the day of federal elections."  Again, this should be an
action left up to the individual states.  I personally feel, that unless
there is an explainable hardship situation, there should be a deadline
in voting registration at least three weeks before the upcoming election.

Furthermore, "any unregistered eligible citizen" should not extend to
include illegal aliens. Already the state of New Jersey has seen fit to give
illegals living here both business and driver's licenses, so voting
privileges cannot be too far behind.

According to Senator Booker, this legislation would also update the
Voting Rights Act of 1965, to prevent what he calls, "certain deceptive and
intimidating practices" such as providing false information about elections,
'to hinder or discourage voting' and prescribes penalties for such practices."

But is this "update" really necessary?

According to the American Bar Association: "Gone are the poll taxes,
literary tests, and grandfather clauses that were used to deny African American
citizens the right to register to vote.  In 1965, only 7 percent of the
African Americans in Mississippi were registered to vote- the
lowest percentage across the South and the nation.
Today over 70 percent of black Mississippians are registered to vote.
In 1964, only 300 black elected officials had been elected nationwide;
today there are over 9,100 in state and local jurisdictions around the
country, including the 71 members in Congress of African American,
Latino, Native American, or Asian descent."

Booker further claims that this legislation, "would also aim to get 'dark
money out of politics' through expansive campaign reforms, including
strict disclosure requirements for Super PACS-Political Action Committees,
that can raise and spend money in support of candidates." He ads this
legislation includes "new ethics requirements and empowers the 
Office of Government Ethics to root out corruption in the federal government.

I have to wonder just how this will be accomplished when we have all
been witnesses to the most unethical and corrupt federal government in
our nation's history!  The Democratic Majority's vile platform centers
around the promotion of perversion and death.

If Donald Trump had not been elected in 2016, We The People
would never have known the depths of depravity at work within the
federal government.  We should no longer call it a swamp.
A swamp is a valuable eco-system.  
Washington DC is a cesspool of profound spiritual and human evil.

In his final sentence, Booker claims that "For The People Act" would
secure our elections by providing financial and technical support to bolster
election infrastructure. The bill would allow the Election Assistance
Commission to issue grants to states for improving and maintaining
their election systems.  In other words, the states who cooperate
with the dictates of the Democratic Majority will be
financially rewarded for their loyalty.

Furthermore, Booker states that this legislation would improve
"election security measures" by requiring the Department of Homeland
Security "to maintain the designation of election infrastructure as
critical and requiring DHS to "assess threats" to the election
system at least 180 days before an election.

This sounds to me like just another excuse to invade 
  the privacy rights of the American people.

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