Wednesday, August 10, 2022

On My Mind: Freedom Under Attack Highlighted By FBI Raid


I was more than a little disconcerted when I heard about the
 FBI raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Image courtesy/The Leventhal Firm

Unlike the prevaricators in the mainstream media, this
 raid had nothing to do with "a breach of national security"
nor with the National Archives. 

 This shocking violation of an American citizen's rights under
 the  Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution 
was done for purely political reasons.  It was yet another
 lame attempt to keep President Trump from running
  for re-election in 2024.

But far worse than this is that an agency as
 powerful as the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
would allow itself to be willingly used to conduct
 an overnight raid on the home of a former
President of the United States of America,
something which has never happened before
in the history of our nation.

If an agency of the federal government can invade Donald Trump's home
 and privacy, what is preventing them from coming after the American 
people in the same way- like a 21st century version of the Gestapo?

Ironically, 48 years to the day after Richard Nixon resigned from
 the presidency, the raid which took place at Mar-a-Lago was feted on
 Twitter by an attorney with ties to none other than Hillary Clinton.

Marc Ellis, who served as Clinton's top lawyer in her failed 2016
presidential campaign, and, according to a report in The New American
Magazine, was heavily invested in almost all the Deep State's attacks on
Donald Trump since then, "spilled the beans" when he tweeted:

"The media is missing the really, really, big reason why the raid
today is a potential blockbuster in American politics."

This surprising revelation was followed by a screen shot of the
U.S. Code Title 18, Section 2071, with the following text highlighted:

"Anyone having custody of any such record (filed or deposited with any
clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or
with any judicial or public officer of the United States) proceeding, map,
book, document paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals,
removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years,
or both, and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from
holding any office under the United States."

 According to The New American, "On the surface it appears that the FBI 
 could either find or create evidence that could be used to charge
the former  president under this law."

But what exactly was the FBI looking for?  Did they find any
incriminated evidence against President Trump?  They did not say.

Under this same law posted by Ellis on Twitter, former Secretary
of State and Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) escaped prosecution
when she was accused of destroying an estimated 33,000
"personal emails"  In fact, Clinton either deleted or acid washed
the emails and had her personal computer "wiped" clean of
any incriminating evidence.  She got off scot free.

The game of partisan politics being played in this situation
is not only a case of gross misconduct by the FBI, but very
dangerous in regards to the continuation of our freedom 
as a people and a nation.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago further reveals how far the
political Left will go in trashing the Constitution in
order to get their way.

Furthermore, ever since their pathetic "surprise witness"
Cassidy Hutchinson made a fool of herself on the witness stand,
tenacious, Trump-hating Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY) along 
with her fruitless January 6th Committee has been desperately
 searching for a new way to "Get Trump".

I would not be the least surprised if this latest, unprecedented 
action taken against Donald Trump has their dirty fingerprints
all over it.  As the old saying goes, "Time will tell."

Meanwhile, the White House is denying "any prior knowledge"
of the raid on  President Trump's residence. I believe in the veracity
of this statement as much as I believe Joe Biden never really
fell off his bicycle a few weeks ago.

Please keep President Trump and his family in your prayers!

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