Saturday, August 13, 2022

On My Mind: The Raid On Mar-a-Lago


Never before in the history of our nation has anything like this
happened to a former President of the United States of America.

  Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Estate
 Palm Beach, Florida
Photograph courtesy/The Epoch Times

Whether you voted for Donald Trump in 2016 or not, the unlawful
and alarming invasion of his home and property this week was not
 only a clear violation of the 4th Amendment rights of an American
citizen, but proves that all of us are vulnerable to harassment
via a powerful government agency acting as a goon squad
 for an overreaching federal government.

Although I highly suspect that the action taken at Mar-a-Lago
 was yet another inane attempt to intimidate President Trump from
 running again in 2024, this unprecedented, Gestapo-inspired raid
has also led me to consider some other, far more sinister, possibilities.

First of all, I believe that whoever ordered this raid is deathly afraid
of Donald Trump.  Or what they think Donald Trump knows about them.

Yesterday, I had the privilege to watch an interview conducted by the
New American Magazine with a remarkable woman named Dr. Juliette Engel.

As a child, she was sold, by her own parents, to the CIA's MK Ultra
"Sex Magick" program, which involved child sex trafficking,
 mind control experiments, and satanic rituals.  

Dr. Engel managed to escape from the program when she was seventeen
years old.  She has since devoted her life's work in helping to rescue women
and children caught up in the living nightmare of universal sex-trafficking,
while bringing public awareness to the existence of this profoundly evil
 underworld of human misery in America and in other nations today.

What made me really sit up and listen was when she stated that
there is involvement in sex-trafficking by people at the highest levels of 
power within the United States government, and in other governments 
around the world, which is why this evil is so difficult to combat.

This brought to my mind  some really disturbing reasons why the
   FBI raided President Trump's home.  This is just my own speculation
 of course, but, what were they hoping to find when they broke into his
personal safe?  When they rummaged through the former First Lady's
wardrobe and other personal belongings?

Could it be they were actually looking for some kind of "evidence"
 which could then be used to falsely link President Trump to 
 heinous sex crimes being committed against women and children?

Or, and this seems more plausible to me, were the FBI agents given
specific instructions to be on the lookout for a secreted, detailed list
 of some very recognizable names of people in the government,  past
and present, who are deeply involved in human trafficking?

According to a report in the New York Post this week, the judge
 who approved the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is an Obama donor
with past ties to the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

If Donald Trump had won re-election in 2020 would he have had 
 the chance to expose these monsters in the highest levels of power 
  before the American people?  Also, could this be the real reason behind 
the current administration's apparent indifference concerning the
  increasingly lax security at our southern border, to protect
  the comings and goings of human sex traffickers,
 not to mention drug-dealing gangs?

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