Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Yom Hazikaron: Israel Memorial Day 3rd Day of Iyyar 5778

"The Lord will arouse His zeal like a warrior."
Isaiah 42:13

Israeli soldiers salute after decorating the graves of fallen soldiers with Israeli flags
on the national Remembrance Day For Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror.
The above photograph was taken in April, 2013.

"Many a time and much have they afflicted me
from my youth up-let Israel now say-

Many a time and much have they afflicted me from my
youth up, yet they have not prevailed against me.

The plowers plowed upon my back; 
they made their long furrows.

The Lord is uncompromisingly righteous;
He has cut asunder the thick cords by which the wicked enslaved us.

Let them all be put to shame and turned backward who hate Zion.

Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withers
before it grows up,

With which the mower fills not his hand,
nor the binder of sheaves his bosom-

While those who go by do not do say,

The blessing of the Lord be upon you!

We bless you in the name of the Lord!

Psalm 129

The mothers of Eyal Yifrah, 19,  Naftali Frenkel, 16,  Gilad Shaar,  16, 
Israeli teens murdered by Hamas in 2014

God bless the mother who has lost
a part of herself now.
Her child is gone, and yet she knows,
she must go on somehow.

She'll never be who she was once
Before her child was taken,
And some days she cannot help but feel
Her heart has been forsaken.

They say You give the hardest tasks
To those You know are strong,
But her task is so painful, Lord,'s one that lasts lifelong.

Please help her rise each time she falls,
Give courage for her fears,
Have angels hover ever near
To dry her endless tears.

Keep her close within Your arms,
Each moment they're apart,
Please give her comfort while she grieves...
God soothe her aching heart.

God Bless The Nation And People Of Israel
May Her Fallen Rest In Peace

"God Bless The Mother"
Out Of The Ashes/FB

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